Adrian Hall
Associate Vice Provost, Accreditation and Curricular Operations
Adrian Hall is UC's Associate Vice Provost for Accreditation and Curricular Operations. He serves as the university's Accreditation Liaison Officer to the Higher Learning Commission, and co-leads the Associate Deans working group. Adrian also works closely with partner offices involved in academic affairs and the technology used to manage the university’s catalog of courses and programs.
As UC's Accreditation Liason Officer, Adrian oversees curricular operations in accordance with accreditation guidelines, university rules, shared governance, relevant state policies, and other obligations. Adrian’s goals are to enable faculty to create the best curriculum possible for UC students through shared governance processes, and to provide support for units engaging in continuous improvement efforts.
Adrian began his higher education career in 2005 in academic advising for UC’s College of Arts & Sciences, and in 2011 transitioned to the Office of the Provost providing support to the university's GenEd committee. Adrian served on the 2012 Semester Conversion task force, led efforts to implement the eCurriculum system for UC’s 2016 Catalyst implementation, served on the HLC accreditation steering committee during the 2018 and 2022 reviews and has served on UC's Staff Senate. Adrian completed his BA and MA in History at UC, with a research project focused on the expansion of American higher education in the post-war period.