

UC Professor Patricia Clark Roper, MA instructed students during her Basic Spanish II class at the Old Chem building. UC/Joseph Fuqua II

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Headshot of Brianna N. Leavitt-Alcántara

Brianna N. Leavitt-Alcántara

Associate Professor, A&S History



Brianna Leavitt-Alcántara teaches Latin American History, specializing in the colonial period and nineteenth century. Her research focuses on gender and religion in colonial and nineteenth-century Central America. Her book, Alone at the Altar: Single Women and Devotion in Guatemala, 1670-1870 (Stanford University Press, 2018), considers how non-elite single women forged complex alliances with the Catholic Church in Guatemala's colonial capital, and how those alliances significantly shaped local religion and the spiritual economy, late colonial reform efforts, and post-Independence politics. Her new book project, The Virgin's Wrath, examines gender relations, Mayan Catholicism, and violence in eighteenth-century Chiapas. She teaches survey courses on colonial Latin America as well as upper division courses on topics such as gender, religion, the Spanish Inquisition, and Afro-Latin America. 
Headshot of C. J.  Bolech

C. J. Bolech

Professor, A&S Physics

427 Geology-Physics Building


Research Areas

Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems (SCQS): This includes many-body and quantum-field theories, quantum fluids, integrable systems, quantum information and tensor networks, non-equilibrium transport, mesoscopic systems, ultracold atomic gases and optical lattices, unconventional superconductivity, strongly correlated electrons (e.g., quantum impurities and heavy fermions).

Main interests

Prof. Bolech is an applied mathematical physicist working mainly on the domains of theoretical Atomic-Molecular-Optical and Condensed-Matter&Materials physics (TAMOP and CMMT, respectively). From a technical perspective, his present TAMOP focus is on the use of generalized coherent states, tensor networks and non-linear optimization; while on the CMMT side he is currently focused on bosonization, renormalization and entanglement. His main interest is on SCQS. Strong correlations are one of the main theoretical (viz. computational and mathematical) challenges of current frontier problems in many areas of physics; ranging from condensed-matter to atomic, nuclear and particle physics. For example, strong nonlinear behaviours can be found in numerous systems such as heavy fermions, high-temperature superconductors, organic conductors, or quantum wires and dots (to the study of all of which he has contributed). Bolech's work combines the use and development of different computational and analytic non-perturbative approaches. These are applied to problems like the realization of exotic superconducting states of matter in optical lattices, the interplay of mixed valence and multi-channel Kondo physics in heavy fermions and quantum dots, the quantum tunneling of particles in correlated mesoscopic systems, the dynamics of vortices in quantum condensates, or the sudden expansion of interacting atomic gases.
Headshot of Carlos M Gutiérrez

Carlos M Gutiérrez

Professor of Spanish & Graduate Director, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



Research: Early Modern Spanish literary field and authorial self-fashioning. Publications: La recepción de Quevedo (1645-2010), (U de Navarra, 2011); La red ciega (Lima: Hipocampo, 2008; 2nd ed., NY: Digitalia, 2011; short stories); [see reviews & articles on my creative work]; La espada, el rayo y la pluma: Quevedo y los campos literario y de poder (Purdue UP, 2005; [a review]); Dejémonos de cuentos (Valladolid, 1994; short stories); book-chapters; reviews/articles in Hispanic Review, Boletín de la Bib. Menéndez Pelayo, Cervantes, Iberoamericana, Calíope, Romance Languages AnnualPerinola, Bulletin of the Comediantes,  Etiópicas, or Espéculo. I've also participated in research projects and in art projects and online exhibits with DAAP, Cincinnati Art Museum and Google Arts & Culture: 
I work on a book about Cervantes and direct the Madrid Summer Program
Headshot of Farrah Jacquez

Farrah Jacquez

Associate Professor, A&S Psychology



Research program focused on partnering with communities to develop interventions to promote health equity. Current projects target Latino immigrant health and participatory research with immigrants and refugees in Cincinnati. For complete list of publications, see Google Scholar profile:
Headshot of Isaac Peter Campos

Isaac Peter Campos

Professor, A&S History



Professor Campos teaches Latin American history. His main expertise is in modern Mexico and the history of illicit drugs. He's especially interested in the history of ideas, culture, and transnational phenomena. These interests are reflected in his newsletter, History on Drugs, which brings scholarly work to a more general audience, his digital history website, The Drug Page, which pursues a similar objective, and his book Home Grown: Marijuana and the Origins of Mexico's War on Drugs (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2012), which examines the development of marijuana's reputation for causing madness and violence in Mexico from the sixteenth century down to its nationwide prohibition in 1920. Professor Campos has also worked for the National Security Archive where he did research on Mexico’s “dirty war” of the 1970s, Cuban-Mexican relations, and the War on Drugs since 1969. He teaches a variety of classes, from introductory surveys to graduate seminars.
Headshot of Leila Rodriguez

Leila Rodriguez

Senior Research Associate, A&S Anthro

450 Braunstein Hall


Senior Associate Researcher

I am former Professor of Anthropology who maintains an affiliate Senior Associate Researcher position. Broadly, my research questions how societies manage cultural diversity. One line of research studies the local-level integration of migrants and the sociocultural construction of (il)legality. The second line of research investigates how judicial systems in the U.S. and Latin America use culture as evidence in legal conflicts involving migrants and asylum-seekers. 


Headshot of Ligia C Gomez.

Ligia C Gomez.

Assistant Professor Educator , A&S Rom L&L Emeriti

Trained as a psychologist and with a degree in fine arts from Colombia, South America, Ligia worked for six years in a  health care as an educator and health advocate with the Hispanic population in Cincinnati prior to becoming a full time faculty in the Romance Languages and Literature Department. Ligia serves as a liaison with many different organizations in the community.  She is  currently involved with several professional groups that work to improve the living conditions of the Hispanic/Latino population. Presently she is Chair of the Greater Cincinnati Latino Coalition, and a founding member of the Latino Health Collaborative. Her particular areas of interest at the University include Service Learning and Spanish for Health and Social Services. Ligia's continued involvement in the local Health Care community helps her to provide the students with access to many different relevant experiences related to this undeserved population. Ligia is the Director of  Certificate of Spanish for Service Learning in Social Work and Health Care Services and have been involved in the new Medical Spanish/Latino Health Elective at The school of medicine.

Headshot of Maria Paz Moreno

Maria Paz Moreno

Professor of Spanish, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



Prof. Moreno holds a Licenciatura en Filosofía y Letras from the University of Alicante, Spain, and a Phd. in Spanish Literature from The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on Contemporary Spanish Poetry, Food Studies (Gastronomy and Culinary Literature), and Spanish Women Writers. She is the author of several scholarly books and critical editions, among them El culturalismo en la poesía de Juan Gil-Albert (IGA, 2000), the critical edition of Juan Gil Albert, Poesía Completa (Pre-Textos, 2004), the volume Cartas a Juan Gil-Albert. Epistolario selecto (IGA, 2016), and the poetic anthology Concha Zardoya. Antología Poética (IGA, 2008). In the area of food studies, she has published two monographs: De la página al plato. El libro de cocina en España (Trea, 2012), and Madrid: A Culinary History (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018).

As a poet, she has published ten books of poetry and has been included in several anthologies, among them Poetisas Españolas 1976-2001 (Ed. Torremozas, 2003), El poder del cuerpo (Ed. Castalia, 2009), and Nueva poesía alicantina (2000-2005) (IGA, 2016)Her anthology From the Other Shore/ De la otra orilla was published in 2018 by Valparaíso Editors. Her most recent books include Amiga del monstruo (Ed. Renacimiento, 2020) and the bilingual edition of The Belly of an Iguana/ El vientre de las iguanas (Valparaíso Eds., 2021), translated by Jennifer Rathbun.

Prof. Moreno is a recipient of the George Rieveschl Jr. Award for Creative and/or Scholarly Works (2019), and the Distinguished Research Professor Award (2023).

Headshot of Nicasio Urbina

Nicasio Urbina

Professor of Latin American Literature.

Professor Nicasio Urbina received his Ph.D. from Georgetown University. He works on literary criticism of contemporary Spanish American literature, with emphasis in Central American literature and culture. He has particular interest in genre theory, semiotics and narratology. He has taught seminars on the Latin American novel, the short story, Central American literature, creative writing, as well as thematic courses such as humor, myth and violence in Spanish American literature. He has published nine books of literary criticism, short stories, and poetry; and has edited nine books on different topics. Has published 99 articles of literary criticism, and 134 conferences and papers. In 2015 he received the Rieveschl Award for Creative and Scholarly Work.
Headshot of Noe T Alvarez

Noe T Alvarez

Assoc Professor, A&S Chemistry

418T Rieveschl Hall


My research interests are focused on carbon nanomaterials synthesis, assembly into macroscopic materials and their applications. Among the nanomaterials synthesized in my Lab are carbon nanotubes that are assembled into nanometer films and microscopic fibers with unique properties compared to macroscopic materials. Current applications are oriented to electrochemical and physiological sensors, as well as energy storage devices. I collaborate with faculty from engineering, Biology, and UC Medical school for the development of useful technological applications. Students in my group are normally exposed to the chemistry, physics and engineering aspects of nanomaterials. The research topics cover a broad range of topics such as: synthesis, electrochemistry, spectroscopy, biomaterials and biosensros.

Noe Alvarez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry. He received his Ph. D. in Chemistry from Rice University (2010), where he worked at the Richard Smalley Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology under supervision of James M. Tour and Robert H. Hauge on multiple aspects of single-walled CNTs. He earned M.Sc. from McNeese State University (2004), and B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Mayor de San Simon (Bolivia). After graduating from Rice he spent 6 months working on nanotube synthesis at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST – Japan). He has received a NASA tech award (2011) for his contribution to the development of scientific and technical innovation. 
More details about his research at UC can be found at:
Headshot of Noris Rodriguez

Noris Rodriguez

Educator Associate Professor

Having organized the Study Abroad In Antigua, Gautemala/Spanish Immersion And Service Learning Program, my primary work is teaching upper-level undergraduate Spanish composition, conversation and grammar courses. One of my priorities is making sure to be available, several days each week, for one-on-one help to any students that are encountering special obstacles. It is also a pleasure to help undergraduate students with various Capstone projects, and to help out as a member of our Graduate Study Abroad committee.

My teaching style continuously evolves to improve my classes' immediate practical value, for the newer waves of students who are destined to engage with increasingly multilingual societies.
Headshot of Nuria  Rocio Lopez-Ortega

Nuria Rocio Lopez-Ortega

Educator Associate Professor, A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat



Director of Curriculum; Assistant Department Head.  Areas of teaching: Spanish language (all levels) and Spanish Linguistics. Areas of academic interest:  Spanish Linguistics; Second Language Learning and SLA; Pedagogy; Teacher Training; Study Abroad.
Academic-related activities: writing collaborator and consultant for major foreign  language  publishing companies;  dual-enrollment Spanish program mentor with local high schools; Spanish AP reader.
Headshot of Paula L. Silva

Paula L. Silva

Dr., A&S Psychology



I received a Bachelor's degree in Physical Therapy from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG (Brazil) in 2000, a Master's degree in Rehabilitation Science also from UFMG in 2002, and a PhD degree in Experimental Psychology from the University of Connecticut in 2009. I also received formal training and a Certificate in Quantitative Methods from the University of Connecticut. I am currently an Associate Professor and Co-director of graduate training in the Psychology Department of the University of Cincinnati. I am also one of the primary faculty of the Center for Cognition, Action & Perception at the University of Cincinnati. 

I study human performance, both functional and dysfunctional, from the perspectives of complexity science and ecological psychology. My research primarily focuses on (a) the action strategies that individuals of different ages, with and without pathological conditions, employ when performing a variety of tasks, and (b) the perceptual capabilities that supports adaptability of action strategies to particular circumstances. I have three complimentary aims. The first is to examine and advance general theoretical principles to explain the coordination and perceptual regulation of biological movement that support successful performance in diverse circumstances. The second is to reveal and explain changes in action coordination and perceptual capabilities associated with pathological conditions. The third is to apply these principles in the design of methods to assess and enhance resilience of individuals with movement-related disability and those at risk for sports injury. My overarching goal is to promote effective cross-fertilization between theory and clinical practice in the fields of rehabilitation and sports medicine.

Complete list of Journal Publications:
Headshot of Quintino Rodrigues Mano

Quintino Rodrigues Mano

Associate Professor, A&S Psychology



Dr. Mano is a clinical neuropsychologist with research and clinical interests in learning disorders (e.g., dyslexia), cognition-emotion interactions, and childhood reasoning abilities. Ongoing projects involve (1) statistical learning and reading, (2) application of Cattell’s Investment Theory to reading development across the lifespan, and (3) effect of cognition-emotion interactions on functional outcomes. Research participants range from preschoolers to university students. He relies primarily on methodologies from clinical and experimental neuropsychology (e.g., standardized tests, computerized tasks). To learn more about his research activities, please visit the Laboratory for Cognitive & Affective Neuropsychology. Dr. Mano also conducts clinical research within the Dyslexia Assessment & Diagnostic Services, of which Dr. Mano is the Director. The ultimate purpose of his research program is to develop novel neuropsychological tests and treatments for learning disorders.

Lab website
Headshot of Stephanie N Sadre-Orafai

Stephanie N Sadre-Orafai

Taft Research Center Director & Faculty Chair
Critical Visions Co-Director
, A&S Anthropology

448 Braunstein Hall


Stephanie Sadre-Orafai is a sociocultural anthropologist whose research focuses on the production of difference and types among expert communities in the United States. Her ethnographic work examines media and cultural producers, emerging forms of expertise, the intersection of race, language, and visual practices in aesthetic industries, and forms of evidence and the body. She studied anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley (BA, 2000) and received her Ph.D. from the Department of Anthropology at New York University in 2010, when she also joined the faculty at UC. She co-edited Visual Anthropology Review, the journal of the Society for Visual Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association from 2018–2021, and currently serves as the Director & Faculty Chair of the Taft Research Center

Her essays on casting, model development, and fashion reality television have appeared in several edited volumes (PDFs). She is currently working on her first book, tentatively titled Real People, Real Models: Casting Race and Fashion in 21st Century America, which examines the history of casting in the New York fashion industry, the rise of non-professional or "real people" models, and how modeling and casting agents produce models' bodies as forms of media, creating new articulations of mediation, visibility, and difference in the process. Building on four years of ethnographic fieldwork in the New York fashion industry, the book explores the political implications of how these new articulations are refracted through idioms of beauty, desirability, and justice. 

She is also working on a comparative project, Type by Design, that explores the overlapping concerns of inanimate (typefaces) and animate (models) type production in the commercial font and high fashion modeling industries in New York City. In both sites, there are tensions between visibility and invisibility, legibility and aesthetic nuance, and the management of lay and expert visions in producing culturally recognizable types and individual faces. Joining together ethnographic and archival research, she examines the mutually vivifying and dehumanizing dimensions of type production and what their professional practices can reveal about underlying changes in cultural ideas of “difference” and how they are visually encoded across time, technologies, and markets. This project extends her earlier comparative work on fashion and policing, where she examined the temporal dimensions of mug shots alongside casting photographs, and the spatial dimensions of street scouting and stop-and-frisk practices. 

She co-directs the Critical Visions Certificate, a joint effort between faculty in the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning and College of Arts and Sciences, which she established with Jordan Tate in 2011. The program is aimed at teaching students how to effectively combine critical theory and social analysis with art, media, and design practice. She co-edits CVSN, the experimental publication of student work from the program. Themes have included "space" (2013), "the future" (2015), "color" (2016), "surface" (2018), "identity" (2020), "land/water" (2022), "subject/object" (2023), and "artifact" (2024). 
Headshot of Yurena Yanes

Yurena Yanes

Assistant Professor, A&S Geology

520 Geology-Physics Building


My research program examines the response of biological communities to environmental and human stressors. The sustainability and integrity of ecological resources are increasingly uncertain as climate warms and Earth faces a biodiversity crisis. To remedy this situation, scientists must understand the magnitude, direction and rate of biotic responses to environmental and human impacts. However, environmental and anthropogenic factors operate simultaneously and therefore, they are difficult to discriminate using short-term ecological/human-lifespan scales. My work incorporates a longer-term (geological) dimension through three sequential intervals in the recent geologic past: (1) before humans, which I study with paleontological records, (2) during aboriginal (pre-industrial) occupation, by investigating archeological sources; and (3) in post-industrial times, by measuring modern and historical ecological records. The group of organisms I use to examine biotic-environment-human interactions belong to the Phylum Mollusca (primarily terrestrial gastropods) because they are plentiful, sensitive to environmental and human interference, and less investigated yet more threatened than other present-day major animal groups. To investigate molluscs, I integrate data and techniques from multiple disciplines including isotope geochemistry, taphonomy, paleoecology, Quaternary geochronology, archeology and the emerging field of conservation paleobiology.
Headshot of J. Mauricio Espinoza

J. Mauricio Espinoza

Assistant Professor of Spanish and Latin American Literature/Cultural Studies , A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat

710C Old Chemistry Building


My areas of research are Latin American cultural studies, Central American literature, and Latino/a studies. Within Latin American studies, I concentrate on film/TV and graphic narrative (comics and graphic novels). Within Central American literature, I study poetry and migration narratives. Finally, I study issues of migration, identity formation, and visual representation of Latinos/as in U.S. popular culture.

In addition to research, I write original poetry and translate the work of Central American poets (particularly the twentieth-century Costa Rican poet Eunice Odio).
Headshot of Tony P Chemero

Tony P Chemero

University Distinguished Research Professor of Philosophy and Psychology , A&S Philosophy



Tony Chemero got his Ph.D. in Philosophy and Cognitive Science from Indiana University in 1999. From then to 2012, he taught at Franklin & Marshall College (F&M), where he was Professor of Psychology. In 2012, he became Professor of Philosophy and Psychology at the University of Cincinnati. 
Currently, Tony is University Distinguished Research Professor of Philosophy and Psychology at the University of Cincinnati (UC), and a primary member of both the Center for Cognition, Action, and Perception and the Strange Tools Research Lab. His research is both philosophical and empirical; typically, it tries to be both at the same time. He focuses on questions related to nonlinear dynamical modeling, ecological psychology, complex systems, phenomenology, and social cognition. He is the author of more than 100 articles and the books Radical Embodied Cognitive Science (2009, MIT Press) and, with Stephan Käufer, Phenomenology (2015, Polity Press; second edition, 2021). He is currently writing a book tentatively titled Intertwinings: The embodied cognitive science of self and other (Columbia University Press). His first book was a finalist for the Lakatos Prize for Philosophy of Science. He has recently received the University Distinguished Research Award, the Latino Faculty Association Excellence in Research Award , and the Rieveschl Award for Scholarly Achievement at UC.

For more information, see Tony's pages at or google scholar
Headshot of Hernan Moscoso Boedo

Hernan Moscoso Boedo

Assoc Professor, LCB Economics



Hernan J. Moscoso Boedo is a macroeconomist, interested in Economic Development and Growth, as well as Macroeconomic Fluctuations. He has published in top field journals on issues related to international income differences, technological adoption, and macroeconomic fluctuations. Hernan earned his Bachelor Degree from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and his MSc and PhD from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Before coming to Cincinnati, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia.
Headshot of C. Catherine Losada

C. Catherine Losada

Professor of Music Theory, CCM Music Theory

4225L Emery Hall


Professor Catherine Losada, PhD., is a music theorist whose research interests include post-tonal music, the music of Pierre Boulez, advanced serial techniques, transformational theory, the musical collage, and music written after 1950. At CCM, Losada regularly teaches tonal theory, twentieth-century theory and analysis, set theory, a seminar on transformational theory, and other seminars involving recent developments in the application of mathematical approaches to music theory and analysis. She has been published in Music Theory Spectrum (2009 and 2014), Journal of Music Theory, Mitteilungen der Paul Sacher Stiftung (2018), Music Analysis, Music Theory Online (2007 and 2019), Music Theory and Analysis, Journal of Mathematics and Music, Quaderni di Matematica and Twentieth-Century Music and Mathematics. She has served on the Executive Board of the Society for Music Theory and as president of Music Theory Midwest. She is currently working on a monograph on serial techniques in the music of Pierre Boulez.

Losada is the recipient of a Fulbright Specialist Grant, the Outstanding Publication Award from the Society for Music Theory, a Third Century Faculty Research Grant, a Publications Subventions Grant from the Society for Music Theory, a Paul Sacher Foundation Grant, a University Research Council Grant, and a University Research Council Faculty Summer Fellowship for research conducted at the Sacher Foundation in Basel, Switzerland. She delivered a keynote address at the 9th International Conference on Arts and Humanities (Queretaro, Mexico, 2019), as well as papers at international events including a special symposium, "Concepts of Harmony in Musical Composition 1945-1975" (Venice, 2019), "An International Symposium and Workshop Series in Music Theory at the China University" (Beijing, 2018), EuroMAC (Strasbourg, France, 2017), IMS (the conference of the International Musicological Society, Stavanger, Norway, 2016), KeeleMac (the conference of the Society for Music Analysis, Keele, UK, 2015), the McGill Workshop on Italian Serialism of the 1950s (Montreal, 2010), the First International Conference of the Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music (Berlin, 2007), and the Fourth Biennial International Conference on Twentieth-Century Music (University of Sussex, 2005). She has also presented her research at the annual meetings of the Society for Music Theory (Seattle, 2004; Cambridge, 2005; Los Angeles, 2006; Minneapolis, 2011; New Orleans, 2012; Charlotte, 2013; Milwaukee, 2014; Vancouver 2016), the American Musicological Society (2019), as well as many regional conferences.
Headshot of Miguel A. Roig-Francoli

Miguel A. Roig-Francoli

Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music Theory and Composition, CCM Music Theory

4225J Emery Hall


Miguel Roig-Francolí, Ph.D., Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music Theory and Composition, has been recognized internationally for his work as a music theorist, composer, musicologist and pedagogue. His research interests include Renaissance instrumental music and history of theory, the music of Tomás Luis de Victoria, twentieth-century music, and music theory pedagogy. At CCM, he regularly teaches history of theory, sixteenth-century counterpoint, post-tonal theory, music theory pedagogy, and a seminar on the analysis of early music. He is the author of Harmony in Context (McGraw-Hill, 2nd edn., 2011) and Understanding Post-Tonal Music (McGraw-Hill, 2007; Chinese translation, Beijing: People's Music Publishing House, 2012; Routledge, 2nd edn, 2021).  He has published over twenty articles and reviews in Music Theory Spectrum, Journal of Music Theory, Early Music, Revista de Musicología, Notes, Indiana Theory Review, Journal of Musicological Research, College Music Symposium, Analisi: Rivista de Teoria e Pedagogia Musicale, New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana, and several collections of essays. He has presented papers at numerous conferences, including several annual meetings of the Society for Music Theory, American Musicological Society, and Music Theory Midwest. Roig-Francolí has also taught at the Eastman School of Music, Northern Illinois University, Indiana University, and Ithaca College, and has been invited to lecture internationally at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Shanghai Conservatory, and EAFIT University in Colombia.

Roig-Francolí’s compositions have been widely performed in Spain, England, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Canada, and the U.S., including a 2013 monographic chamber concert at Weill Hall (Carnegie Hall), and he has held commissions from the National Orchestra and Chorus of Spain, Spanish National Radio, Fundación Juan March, Rawlins Piano Trio, Institut Ramon Llull, and the Foundation for Iberian Music (CUNY). His compositions are published by EMEC, Piles, Fundación Juan March (Madrid), and Perennis Music Publishing. Among his many honors are first prize at the National Composition Competition of the Spanish Jeunesses Musicales (1981) and second prize at the UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers (Paris, 1982), both for Five Pieces for Orchestra; the Dean’s Dissertation Prize, Indiana University (1991); the Dana Research Fellow Award, Ithaca College (1992); grants from the US-Spain Joint Committee for Cultural and Educational Affairs, Spanish Ministry of Culture, Ithaca College, Northern Illinois University, and the University of Cincinnati; the Medal of Honor from the Superior Conservatory of Music of the Balearic Islands (2004); the University of Cincinnati’s A.B. "Dolly" Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching (2007) and George Rieveschl Jr. Award for Creative and/or Scholarly Work (2009); 2010 Ramón Llull Prize of the Government of the Balearic Islands (Spain); the 2013 Distinguished Teaching Professor Award from the University of Cincinnati; and the 2016 American Prize in Composition (band/wind ensemble division).
Headshot of Flavia Bastos

Flavia Bastos

Professor, DAAP School of Art

4280D DAA Addition


Flávia Bastos, Ph.D., is a Distinguished Research Professor in Visual Arts Education, in the School of Art, University of Cincinnati. Her research and scholarship are indebted to her Brazilian roots, experiences with social and cultural diversity and inspired by the educational philosophy of educator Paulo Freire. Therefore, art education practices are fueled by progressive education ideas that honor the artistic potential and celebrate possibilities and talents of all people. Flávia’s recent accomplishments include being Chairperson of the Council of Policy Studies in Art Education, Distinguished Fellow of the National Art Education Association, and past- Director of the Higher Education Division of the National Art Education Association. She received the. University of Cinicnnati 2020 Distinguished Research Professor Award, the 2009 the Ziegefeld Award of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) for her distinguished service in international art education and the 2007 the Mary J. Rouse Award of the National Art Education Association Women’s Caucus. She is past senior editor of the Journal of Art Education and has published and lectured extensively in the United States and other countries such as such as South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Indonesia, Spain, and Portugal. Her books include Transforming City Schools through Art: Approaches to Meaningful K-12 Learning, a co-edited volume published by Teachers College Press (2012), and the anthology Connecting Creativity Research and Practice in Art Education: Foundations, Pedagogies, and Contemporary Issues (2015), released by the National Art Education Association.
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Headshot of Angel Añorga

Angel Añorga

Assoc Professor, UCBA Foreign Language



Teaching at heart...

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." Nelson Mandela

Throughout my years of experience as an educator, particularly as an applied linguist, I have discovered that one of the critical components in this field (and other fields by replication) is to assist students in impacting and empowering their world with new knowledge acquired in the physical or virtual classroom. When students contextualize what they learned, they relate the purpose of learning to their needs, goals, personal interests, and immediate surroundings. Nothing is more challenging and dull but an education that distances from the unique world of each student. Thus, my pedagogical craft evolves as student needs and contexts change; it is easier to teach when I hear what they (students) have to say about the subject, and my pedagogy - remarkably, when they (students) talk about themselves and who they are. Indeed, they enhance my classroom, but more importantly, they enrich me as a person, first and then as someone who facilitates education. With this in mind, I start class every day excited to evolve and expectant to see them grow and succeed. Ultimately, we all grow together. Teaching at heart is to guide them to fly away beyond the subject, beyond the biases and stereotypes, beyond the status quo and its limiting factor. Teaching "is believing" or "having faith" that they will get where they want to be.  

Research at heart...

"If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?." Albert Einstein

Research at heart is to find answers to the question, "who am I?" That is the starting point, at least. Once we know the minimum about ourselves, we bring who we are and where we come from into the research field. That is when research starts to make sense, at least for the time a spark lasts.

My interest in second language pronunciation began during my undergraduate studies in Peru, in the English Phonology class with Dr. Yony Cardenas Cornelio (an extraordinary, inspirational educator and linguist at San Marcos University). Fascinatingly, humans learn to articulate sounds way before they start writing. My experiences learning English as a new language in the sixth grade and throughout the years have inspired me to tie up subject-specific and classroom research to enhance my teaching craft and inspire and empower students. When students (and speakers in general) feel confident with their pronunciation, they may speak more using the target language. I am interested in developing innovative pronunciation techniques by emphasizing a Cognitive Phonology framework that focuses on a usage-based approach. As an applied phonetician, I allow students to dedicate time to developing an awareness of their pronunciation and to reflect on their improvements and challenges.  Additionally, I provide personalized feedback to improve pronunciation in the target language. Mainly, I focus on implementing CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning, including AI assistance) to enhance second language pronunciation. 

For years, I have consistently situated my research practice over qualitative inquiry, particularly implementing case studies and phenomenological approaches. I have also transitioned into Action Research with an emphasis on Autoethnography. Currently, I have started polishing my quantitative skills with the end goal of utilizing Mixed Methods. I am particularly interested in how to integrate accurately qualitative and quantitative data. I implement statistical measures and software such as SPSS and RStudio to attain this end.
Headshot of Liliana Rojas Guyler

Liliana Rojas Guyler

Associate Professor
Health Promotion And Education
, CECH Human Services

460B Teachers College


Liliana Rojas-Guyler, PhD, FESG, CHES© is an Associate Professor of Health Promotion & Education. Dr. Liliana Rojas-Guyler earned her doctorate degree from Indiana University in Bloomington where she majored in Health Behavior and minored in Human Sexuality Education and in Instructional Systems Technology (2002). She earned two degrees from the University of Florida in Gainesville, a Bachelor’s degree in Health Education majoring in Community Health in 1995 and a Master’s degree in Health Education with emphasis in Public Health in 1996. She is certified by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing as a Certified Health Education Specialist and an Eta Sigma Gamma National Fellow.
Dr. Rojas-Guyler has published and presented widely on minority health issues, particularly those relating to Latina health. Her research agenda includes determinants of health among vulnerable populations (e.g. people who have disabilities and immigrants), health behaviors, the influence of culture, and professional preparation needs of future health educators to address cultural appropriateness in health program planning. Her most recent research includes: a) assessing the health status changes over the last decade of Latinos in the Greater Cincinnati Area, b) assessing Disability Awareness and Self-Efficacy of Health Education students, and c) assessing the connection of Social Media Use, Body Image, Cultural Identity, and Exercise Patterns among African American and Latinos among other projects. Dr. Rojas-Guyler has published in Health Behavior, Health Promotion Practice, The Health Educator, the American Journal of Health Education, the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Family and Community Health, and the Journal of Religion and Health among others. Dr. Rojas-Guyler is dedicated to inclusion of students in collaborative research teams. She is experienced in qualitative and quantitative evaluation and research, and is knowledgeable and proficient conducting program evaluation and continuous improvement.
Dr. Rojas-Guyler is an active professional in her field. She serves as a reviewer for several professional journals and is a member of the editorial board for The Health Educator. She has worked at the national level with Eta Sigma Gamma, the national honorary for her profession, the Society for Public Health Education, and has held membership with several other organizations including the APHA, SOPHE & ESG among others. She has served the community and is currently a member of Interact for Health’s Community Involvement Committee and a research consultant for the Latino Community Health Status Survey (IH).
Headshot of Michael Odio

Michael Odio

Associate Professor
Sport Administration
, CECH Human Services

436L Teachers College


Michael Odio is an Associate Professor of Sport Administration at the University of Cincinnati and holds a Ph.D. in Sport Management from the University of Florida. His scholarly interests include organizational behavior and human resource issues in sport as well as career and learning outcomes for nonstandard employees (e.g., temporary, seasonal, part-time) and internships.
Headshot of Alberto J. Espay

Alberto J. Espay

Division Director, Research Endowed Chair; James J. and Joan A. Gardner Family Center for Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, COM Neurology and Rehabilitation

2216 One Stetson Square


Headshot of Alessandro de Alarcón

Alessandro de Alarcón

Director, Center for Pediatric Voice Disorders; Medical Director, Complex Airway Unit, COM Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery

315 Childrens Hospital Bldg R


Headshot of Javier Gonzalez-Del-Rey

Javier Gonzalez-Del-Rey

Professor of Clinical-Affiliate, COM Pediatrics Emergency Medicine

Childrens Hospital Bldg R


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Headshot of Moises A. Huaman

Moises A. Huaman

Associate Professor of Clinical, COM IM Infectious Diseases Division



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Headshot of Ana Hincapie

Ana Hincapie

Associate Professor, Pharmacy Hincapie Research

361 Kowalewski Hall


Ana L. Hincapie, PhD, MS is Associate Professor of Administrative Sciences and Pharmacy Practice and Program Director for the Master’s in Health Outcomes and Pharmacoeconomics at the University of Cincinnati James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy. She holds a PhD (2013) degree in Health Outcomes from the University of Arizona and a Bachelors in Pharmacy (2006) from Universidad Nacional de Colombia.  Dr. Hincapie applies qualitative and quantitative research methods on three areas: quality measurement in pharmacy practice; assessment of pharmacists’ integration in ambulatory care settings; and,  assessment of community pharmacists’ role improving medication adherence, and safety. Additionally, she serves in the Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association.
Headshot of María I Ortiz Ph.D.

María I Ortiz Ph.D.

Executive Director, Acad Aff Faculty Enrichment Center

545F Langsam Library


Dr. María I. Ortiz has a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, with a mayor in Comparative Literature from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Graduating Suma Cum Laude, she received the UPRM Donald Marshall Award as Outstanding Humanities Student. After being Certified as a Spanish High School Teacher of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico, she completed her graduate studies at the University of Cincinnati, receiving a Masters degree in Spanish, and in of 2007 her Philosophy Doctorate Ph.D on Romance Languages and Literatures.

Executive Director of the UC Faculty Enrichment Center (2023), Dr. Ortiz is Spanish Language Specialist and Educator. Dr. Ortiz teaches Spanish as a second language at UC Blue Ash College, with courses focused on culture, grammar, and communication. She was Co-Director of the Learning and Teaching Center at UC Blue Ash and was inducted to the University’s Academy of Fellows in Teaching & Learning (AFTL) as a distinguished member of the Class of 2021. Dr. Ortiz was recognized with the 2020 University of Cincinnati's Mrs. A.B. Dolly Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching. She received the Excellence in Teaching Awardee for the 33rd Annual Celebration of Teaching 2020 of The Greater Cincinnati Collegiate Connection Consortium (GC3). Also, Dr. Ortiz was recognized with the 2017 UCBA Innovative Teaching Award for implementation of the integration of mindfulness practices and technology for teaching Spanish language.

In 2017, Dr. Ortiz led efforts to assist Puerto Rican college students with online courses after Hurricane Maria devastated the island. She worked with the University of Cincinnati's Provost Office and with colleagues nationwide to recruit and develop Sagrado Online Collaborative, a network of Spanish-speaking professors who remotely taught students through the Universidad del Sagrado Corazón in Puerto Rico. In another academic exchange, Dr. Ortiz shared her love for literature by teaching literature during the summer of 2019, as part of the expert faculty exchange at Xi’an International Studies University in Xi'an, China. Her research and publications include cultural studies perspective(s) and literary theory to analyze interactions between food, gastronomy, identity, Thirdspace, gender, performance and post colonial studies, as well as pedagogical strategies and activities for active learning classrooms. 

Her service work is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and practices, providing acknowledgement and support for the intersectional needs of underrepresented groups. She volunteered for the Alzheimer’s Association in Cincinnati.
Headshot of David G.C. Madrid

David G.C. Madrid

Assoc Professor, CC Foreign Language

CC West Woods Acad Cntr


Dr. David Gomez-Cambronero Madrid is an Assistant Professor of Spanish at theDepartment English, Langauge and Fine Arts at the University of Cincinnati's Clermont College campus. His primary research fields include 19th, 20th and 21st century Spanish poetry and he is currently working on his doctoral thesis entitled In Search of Elysium: Spanish Poetry of Diferencia at the Dawn of the 20th century. His ancillary interests include Spanish Golden Age and 20th century Avant-Garde theatre as well as theories on social systems. He has taught all levels of basic Spanish, is currently teaching an Online Spanish section, and will be an assistant teacher for a 19th and 20th century Spanish Novel course. Additionaly, he has chaired the 2013 Romance Lanuage Conference and is currently the Editorial Assistant of the Cincinnati Romance Review journal ( He has a journal article under revision and is completing a personal book of poetry.