
Emeriti Association Constitution

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be Emeriti Association & Center of the University of Cincinnati and shall be referred to as the Emeriti.

Article II: Membership

Membership shall consist of all living faculty and administrative staff who have achieved emeritus/emerita status at the University.

Article III: Governance

The Emeriti shall be governed by all association members present and voting at any meeting of the Emeriti. Between meetings of the Emeriti the Emeriti shall be governed by an elected Board.


a) Board 

The Board shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. Up to seven (7) members shall be elected at each Annual Meeting for a three (3) year term each, such that there should always be fourteen (14) continuing members for every year of governance. Members may be re-elected to additional three (3) year terms. So staggered terms can be implemented, at the first election held under this revised constitution, the election of members of the board shall be for one, or two, or three year terms.

b) Officers

The officers of the Emeriti, who shall serve one (1) year terms and who may be re-elected to additional terms, shall be elected by the Emeriti following nomination at the Annual Meeting. Nominations shall be made by the Nominating Committee (Article IV) or from the floor of the meeting. The officers shall consist of the following: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Representative to the University’s Faculty Senate.

Duties of the Officers

a) President

The President shall be responsible for the execution of all business affairs of the organization. The President shall call and announce all meetings of the Board and the Emeriti. The President shall convene and officiate at all meetings and shall, in consultation with the Board, set the agenda. The President shall see that any and all actions declared at these meetings shall be properly executed and may appoint responsible person(s) to do so. The President shall report regularly as may be appropriate to the Board, the Emeriti and to the University administration. The President shall prepare an annual report of the Emeriti and shall have it distributed to the members and other persons as may be appropriate.

b) Vice President

As Vice President this officer assists the President in the execution of all work of the Emeriti and shall assume full responsibility in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall also chair the Nominating Committee (Article IV).

c) Secretary

The Secretary shall record and disseminate the minutes of meetings of the Board and the meetings of the Emeriti and shall distribute these minutes in a timely and appropriate fashion.

d) Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting all dues and handling all disbursements through liaison with designated persons in the Office of the Provost of the University concerning all fiscal matters of the Emeriti.

e) Representative to the University’s Faculty Senate

The representative shall attend all meetings of the Faculty Senate. In this capacity the Representative shall inform the Senate of matters of concern to the Emeriti and shall inform the President and the Board of matters of the Senate of concern to the Emeriti.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be comprise of the officers and, if he or she is willing, the immediate past President in the year following his/her last term as President. The President shall have the power to appoint additional members to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall advise the President.

Article IV: Nominating Committee

Each year the President shall appoint three (3) members of the Board for the purpose of nominating current and continuing members of the Board to be elected officers of the Board, and of nominating up to seven (7) Emeriti members to be elected to a three (3) year term on the Board. Currently serving members of the Board may be nominated for re-election and the Committee is encouraged to seek other persons from the larger membership. Nominations for the Board officers and new Board members may also be made from the floor during the Annual Meeting. Before the Annual Meeting is held all nominees must have declared a willingness to serve if elected. The Vice President shall chair the Nominating Committee.

Article V: Dues

A voluntary fee (dues) shall be established by the Board for each year and recommended to the Emeriti membership for approval at the Annual Meeting of the Emeriti.

Article VI: Liason with the University

The Emeriti shall request the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President, Academic Planning of the University to appoint a University administration contact person to serve with the Emeriti. This person shall be an ex officio member of the Board, without vote, to advise, consent, assist, and contribute to the success and well-being of the Emeriti. The contact person shall be expected to attend all Board and Emeriti meetings.

Article VII: Annual Meeting

There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Emeriti. Such meeting shall be announced to all members at least thirty (30) days in advance of such meeting. The Annual Meeting shall be scheduled by the Board, and executed by the President. The election of the Board and officers shall be held at the meeting and other business may be brought before the membership.

Article VIII: Amendments

This Constitution of the Emeriti may be amended at any Annual Meeting of the Emeriti or at a special called meeting. Such amendment may be executed only after at least thirty (30) days notice of the content and rationale of the amendment. A majority vote of members present and voting shall be required to amend.

Article IX: Adoption

This revised Constitution of the Emeriti Association of the University of Cincinnati was adopted at the recent Annual Meeting and became effective upon a vote of approval by the majority of those present and voting.