Karen Goodwin
Vice Provost for Academic Strategy and Operations
Karen Goodwin, Vice Provost for Academic Strategy and Operations, directs strategic initiatives and projects, and promotes effective academic and business operations within units under the purview of the Office of the Provost. In partnership with key leaders, Goodwin ensures strategic initiatives, policies and procedures that support student, faculty and staff success are appropriately implemented and followed. Goodwin is also responsible for assisting the leadership teams of colleges and units in reviewing operational needs and analyzing operational data to support units in achieving their organizational goals and strategic plans.
As a member of the provost’s senior leadership team, Goodwin represents the provost on various university committees including Provost Senior Staff, Provost Data Team, SEM Policy and UCOL Governance.
Prior to joining the Office of the Provost, Goodwin served as Business Manager for UC’s Department of Internal Medicine for 6 years as well as Partner Manager/Sr. Business Manager for Cincom Systems for 11 years. She earned a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Bowling Green State University.