Spectrum News: Mobile stroke unit getting treatment to patients faster

Every second counts for a patient experiencing a stroke, and the UC Health Mobile Stroke Unit helps treat patients faster.

Spectrum News recently highlighted the mobile stroke unit and the story of patient Don Mundy, who was treated in the mobile stroke unit about three months ago.

The specially designed ambulance is outfitted with a number of tools including a CT scanner, clot-busting medication and an iPad to consult in real time with a doctor reading the scans.

“For every minute that goes by, we think that a million and a half brain cells die, it truly is minutes make a difference and if we’re able to get that clot-busting medication in the first 60 minutes of when the stroke is happening, those patients do that much better,” said Christopher T. Richards, MD, assistant professor in the University of Cincinnati's Department of Emergency Medicine in the College of Medicine, medical director of the UC Health Mobile Stroke Unit and a UC Health emergency physician. 

UC Health estimates the mobile stroke unit has helped approximately 450 patients in the Cincinnati area, including Mundy.

“I absolutely appreciate what they’ve done,” Mundy told Spectrum News.

Watch or read the Spectrum News story.

Featured photo at top of UC Health's mobile stroke unit courtesy of UC Health.

Remember how to identify a stroke

Because of the quick onset of stroke, it is important to know the FAST mnemonic device that details the most common signs of stroke and how to respond:

  • F: Facial drooping
  • A: Arm or leg drop, or weakness in the arm or leg
  • S: Speech issues, such as slurred speech or an inability to get your words out
  • T: Time is of the essence; call 911 immediately

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