Parking Policies
Quick Links
Permit Guidelines
ADA Accessible Parking
Permit Parking Access Methods
- Using a Fast Pass
- Using a UC ID (Bearcat Card)
Motor Scooters, Motorcycles and Bicycles
Permit Guidelines
Value Pass
The Parking Value Pass offers faculty and staff, who pay daily for parking, a chance to pre-purchase a bundle of daily parking at a discounted rate.
- Passes will expire 4 months from the purchase date. There is no rollover of unused parking.
- Passes will allow 2 entry/exits per day of use to allow for individuals to leave for lunch if necessary.
- Passes are assigned to an individual, not a department. Only UC faculty/staff and UC Foundation employees are eligible at this time.
- Passes are valid only in visitor parking garages.* They are not valid in facilities where visitor parking is full; therefore, there is no guarantee that space will be available in a facility.
- *Note: University Avenue and Stratford Garages do not have visitor parking.
- Individuals in a waitlist facility that choose to give up their permit for a Parking Value Pass will lose their rights to a permit in that facility, and will need to go back on the waiting list if a permit is needed in the future. Waitlisted garages include: Corry, CCM, Varsity Village and University Avenue.
- Pass can be purchased online. Access will be available within 2 hours of purchase.
- Valid pass must be purchased prior to parking in said garage. Pass cannot be redeemed if you are already parked.
- Individuals are responsible for keeping vehicle information accurate in the parking system to avoid possible citations.
- Customers parking in Eden Garage are required to park on levels 7 & 8 with this pass.
- Value Passes are not:
- Passes are not transferable.
- Passes are not valid during event parking.
- Passes are not refundable.
- Passes are not eligible for reciprocity parking on Uptown East or Uptown West campuses.
Parking on Other Campuses
When UC permit holders must travel between campuses, limited use of a lot on another campus – reciprocity - is allowed. Guidelines for reciprocity and locations are outlined below.
- Vehicle information must be updated in the Parking Services system. Out-of-date vehicle information may result in a citation.
- Parking is limited, and not guaranteed. Available only when space permits.
- Limited to 2 hours, 1 time per day between the hours of 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- No time limit during other hours of operation, but must exit reciprocity area by 5:59am.
- Cannot park in reciprocity areas on the campus of your current permit.
- Regional campus students who live on Uptown West campus that require parking, must purchase a west campus permit. Reciprocity parking is available on UC Blue Ash and Clermont College campuses.
- Evening permits are not eligible for reciprocity parking.
- During special events, postings may be placed in the lots, indicating the need to use an alternate facility, when appropriate.
- Reciprocity parking is NOT available on UC Football Game Days.
Uptown West Campus
- Clifton Lots
Uptown Medical Campus
- Panzeca Way behind Eden Avenue Garage
UC Blue Ash
Reciprocity parking is available for an unlimited number of hours in any white-lined stall for permit holders from any other campus.
UC Clermont
Reciprocity parking is available for an unlimited number of hours in any white-lined stall for permit holders from any other campus.
1819 Innovation Hub
Reciprocity parking is available for an unlimited number of hours in the Winslow Lot, across the street from the 1819 Innovation Hub main building.
Reading Campus
Reciprocity parking is available for an unlimited number of hours for permit holders from any other campus.
Victory Parkway
Reciprocity parking is available for an unlimited number of hours in the West, North and Cypress Lots for permit holders from any other campus.
Display of Physical Permits
Most facilities utilize virtual permits (i.e., the vehicle license plate is the permit); however, some physical permits are still distributed.
- Hang tags must be placed on the rearview mirror with the facility name facing outward. If the hang tag will not fit on the rearview mirror it should be fully displayed on the driver’s side of the dashboard or contact Parking Services for a zip-tie.
- Motorcycle permits should be displayed on the rider’s left front fork.
- SP/other permits must be fully displayed on the driver’s side of the dashboard.
Lost Physical Permit
A fee will be assessed for replacement of a lost physical permit or Fast Pass. The replacement fee will be refunded if the lost permit/Fast Pass is found and returned within 30 days of filing a lost permit form with the Parking Services Office. Once reported as lost, use of the permit/Fast Pass will result in impoundment of the vehicle and the owner will be assessed full charges for use from the date the lost permit form was filed.
Stolen Physical Permit
Replacement fees for a stolen physical permit/Fast Pass will be waived if a police report is provided. Once reported as stolen, use of the permit/Fast Pass will result in impoundment of the vehicle and the owner will be assessed full charges for use from the date the stolen permit form was filed.
Altered Physical Permit
Display of an altered physical permit incurs a heavy fine and impoundment. Back parking will be charged from the date of alteration.
A person who purchases, uses or displays a university permit in violation of university parking regulations may have his/her parking permit revoked. Fraudulent applications include, but are not restricted to:
- Using a permit in a manner not specified for its use.
- Possessing multiple permits for the same period.
- Obtaining a permit to be used by an individual not authorized for such privileges.
Two or More Vehicles
Only one permit is issued per person, unless otherwise specified. Permits are not transferable to another person. Multiple vehicles may be assigned to a permit; however, only one vehicle is allowed to park in the facility at a time per permit. The driver is responsible for ensuring accurate vehicle information is linked to the permit.
Unpaid Obligations
No permit will be issued to any individual having outstanding parking fines or obligations regardless of the age of the infraction. The issuance of parking privileges to an individual having outstanding obligations does not eliminate any responsibility to pay. Permits issued under these circumstances can be revoked.
Waiting List Policy
University of Cincinnati staff , faculty and designated affiliates are eligible for placement on one waiting list. When a waiting list exists, a faculty or staff member must go to the Parking Services portal and place his/her name on the list. Designated affiliates will work with parking staff to add their name to a list, when appropriate. When a space becomes available in the parking facility, the first individual on that list will be notified either by phone or in writing. Individuals who do not respond within the set period of time will be removed from the list. It is the responsibility of the individual to update contact information on file. The university reserves the right to move individuals outside of the waitlist policy when it is in the best interest of the university. Approval for exceptions will be made by the vice president responsible for parking services.
ADA Accessible Parking
ADA accessible parking is available in all parking facilities. Individuals with a state-issued disability placard or license plate may park in any non-reserved ADA accessible parking stall within their assigned facility.
Students with a state-issued disability placard can purchase a Zone A parking permit on a first-come, first served basis. Zone A parking is located in marked stalls along select Campus Drives.
Students with a state-issued disability placard may purchase any permit, until a facility is sold out, for the semester fee of the least expensive garage facility. The student will need to provide proof of the state-issued disability placard and registration to Parking Services in order to receive the discounted rate. If a facility is sold out, the student may be placed in the facility of their choice with proof of state-issued disability placard, at the normal facility rate.
In the absence of a state-issued disability placard, an accommodation may be requested through Accessibility Services for placement in a sold-out facility.
Violators parking in ADA accessible stalls, in accordance with Ohio House Bill #148, are subject to a fine and possible impoundment of the vehicle in violation.
Faculty & Staff
Faculty and staff with a state-issued disability placard can purchase a Zone A parking permit on a first-come, first served basis. Zone A parking is located in marked stalls along select Campus Drives.
If a facility is waitlisted, faculty and staff may be placed in the facility of their choice with proof of state-issued disability placard, at the normal facility rate. In the absence of a state-issued disability placard, an accommodation may be requested through Human Resources for placement in a waitlisted facility.
Faculty/staff should contact Angela Eicher at Human Resources at to make a request. Medical documentation may be required along with the request.
Violators parking in ADA accessible stalls, in accordance with Ohio House Bill #148, are subject to a fine and possible impoundment of the vehicle in violation.
Permit Parking Access Methods
Using A Fast Pass
The UC Fast Pass makes parking entry and exit hands free! The Fast Pass works best when hanging from your vehicle's rear view mirror. The Fast Pass is available for a one-time charge of $15, and may be purchased at the Parking Services office at 4 Edwards Center.
It may take some adjustment to the placement of the pass to ensure it works consistently in your vehicle. The Fast Pass connects to a signal from the grey boxes to the left of the gate arm or directly above the entry lane (see photos). If you experience difficulty with the reader connecting with your Fast Pass, the barcode on the back may be scanned. Hold the pass under the red light until the display shows the barcode has been read as in the bottom photo. If you continue to have problems with your Fast Pass, please contact the Parking Services Office for assistance.
Currently the Fast Pass is not valid for off-campus housing facilities or open-surface lots.
Fast Passes may be replaced at no cost if found to be defective within the first six months from issuance.
Using a UC ID (Bearcat Card)
Wave ID across the black panel above the red laser-scanner as shown.
Motorcycles, Motor Scooters* and Bicycles
*Although the State of Ohio and the City of Cincinnati have recognized a motorist’s right to park their scooter/motorcycle on sidewalks, the University of Cincinnati has the right to further regulate university property according to ORC 4511.07. As a result, the university has chosen to prohibit scooter/motorcycle parking on sidewalks as the campus is primarily traversed by pedestrians using these sidewalks. Allowing scooters/motorcycles to park on the sidewalks would impede that access.
Operator Responsibility
It is the responsibility of operators to read and fully understand these regulations. The university assumes no responsibility for the care and protection of any personal or rented items at any time or location while on campus.
Bicycle Parking Areas
Bicycle parking is available throughout the campus and is designated by the presence of bicycle racks. Bicycles, must be parked only within the boundaries of designated parking areas and/or properly attached to a bike rack. Bicycles shall not be parked or stored in any university building, unless otherwise designated; nor shall they be attached to items not specifically intended for bicycle parking, such as trees, sign posts, stair rails or hand rails.
Operation of Bicycles
Bicycles are vehicles and must adhere to laws regulating the operation of vehicles. Applicable state laws are in effect whenever bicycles are operated on University of Cincinnati property. (O.R.C. 4511.52)
In addition, riding is prohibited on grass areas.
Whenever bicycles are operated in areas primarily intended for pedestrians (e.g., sidewalks or plazas) the bicycle must yield right of way to pedestrians.
All equipment required by state code for the operation of bicycles is also required on University of Cincinnati property. (O.R.C. 4511.52)
Citations may be issued for violations of bicycle regulations as described above. Bicycle owners are encouraged to register their bicycle with the Department of Public Safety.