Special Parking Requests
With an institution as unique as the University of Cincinnati, we understand that each department and student organization will have parking needs based on the operation of the group. Here are some helpful ways to cover parking requests for guests and outside vendors.
Please note: If your special parking request is related to bus parking, please contact Public Safety.
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Validation Ordering
There are three different types of validations issued by UC Parking Services, depending on the location for which the validations are needed:
- Uptown West and East Campus require the standard “number 2” voucher.
- 1819 Innovation Hub, Reading Campus, and Victory Parkway require a coupon code to be entered on the nearby parking kiosk.
- Digital Futures Garage requires a validation sticker issued by a third-party operator.
Use this form to order for any UC parking location. Be sure to indicate which campus parking validations are required. If ordering parking-related services for an event, please consult the event page before ordering validations.
University departments and organizations* are required to use departmental account strings to pay for validations. Outside entities and university organizations not using university funds are encouraged to be invoiced for their validation usage as it offers a better mechanism for tracking usage and costs.
Visitor parking will be charged to the designated account as vouchers are used according to the daily rate. Note: The daily rate for the Digital Futures Garage is set by a third-party operator and may not be the same as the on-campus rate. These rates will be displayed at the entrance to the facility.
You may wish to use our convenient form to track vouchers through the accounting process. Visitors may appreciate a copy of the instructions on how to use the vouchers. Print several pages, and cut them into quarters.
*An important note for student organizations: Please consult with the Office of Student Activities and Leadership Development prior to order validations.
Parking validations are not accepted on Uptown West Campus during Home Game Days.
Special Parking Request Form
If ordering parking-related services for an event, please consult the event page before ordering special permits.
The Special Parking Request Form is designed for the university community and those not affiliated with the university to request on-campus parking for those with special parking circumstances.
Special parking permits can include dock permits, permits for loading and unloading, etc. These permits must be requested in advance and approved by Parking Services.
The fee for special permits for longer than thirty (30) minutes is $10 per permit per day.
Turnaround Times & Fees
To ensure adequate time and attention is given to each order, all special requests and voucher / validation orders need to be requested five (5) business days in advance of the date needed.
An expedite service fee of $25 will be assessed to all orders requested with than less than five (5) business days’ notice.
An expedite fee of $40 will be assessed to all same day / "ASAP" orders.