Public Safety

Victims' Rights Request Form

As a victim of crime, you have constitutionally protected rights. These rights are detailed by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office Crime Victim Services or by calling 800-582-2877. Some rights are automatic. Some rights require your request.

This form provides important information about your rights. This form is NOT a public record. If you are a victim of an offense of violence or sexually oriented offense, a criminal justice official will review this form with you and ask you to complete this form so that criminal justice officials know which rights you wish to exercise. The criminal justice official will provide you a copy of the form. Criminal justice officials will provide victims of all other offenses information on how to complete the form electronically or provide a printed form, upon request.

Return completed forms to UCPD by email or traditional mail (see below).

Return via traditional mail: Print and mail the document above to UC Police at 51 W Corry Blvd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45221, Attention: Crime Victim Services Coordinator.

Return via email:

Questions? Call 513-556-1111 or email Public Safety at the above address.
