Public Safety

Emergency Plans

The Emergency Management staff have prepared plans for emergency situations. Below, you will find the Emergency Operations Plan, building emergency plans, the emergency closing and cancellation policy and weather and natural disaster plans.

The University of Cincinnati Emergency Operations Plan provides the basis for how the university approaches problems regarding threats or any type of disaster. The plan identifies the responsibilities, functions, operational procedures and working relationship among the various departments, outside governmental entities and private support groups.

The document is divided into four main sections:

  • Basic plan - Overview of the university's approach to emergency management.
  • Functional Annexes - Specific information and direction on operations and general topics during any type of emergency condition.
  • Hazard-specific annexes - Specific disaster situations that could affect the university.
  • Resource annexes - List and description of resource organizations and equipment that are available during a disaster situation.

This document also included the universities procedures for pandemics and civil disturbances.

To read the full document, please use the following link: Emergency Operations Plan.

Leased Properties

The University of Cincinnati is always officially open. During periods of severe inclement weather, public emergency or other crisis, the Director of Public Safety or a designated cabinet officer of the university may issue an announcement of campus status as appropriate to the situation on the university electronic mail system and through local media outlets. These campus announcements may:

  • Specify that the university classes, with the exception of the College of Medicine, are canceled until or after a specific time or for an entire day.
  • Specify that all events and programs, including both university and non-university events held in university facilities, are canceled.
  • Specify that certain university offices and facilities are closed, except for essential offices that never close under any circumstances, which are identified in rule 3361:30-16-01 of the Administrative Code.

For more detailed information, please view the Emergency Campus Closure document.

UC uses a severe weather warning system that allows Public Safety to make voice announcements inside buildings when severe weather is imminent. This system is used in conjunction with Hamilton County's siren warning system. The sirens and campus system are activated for severe weather warnings only (when severe weather has developed in the area).

Winter Weather

Winter Weather Closure Policy

In the event of a severe winter storm that could affect student and/or employee access to the university, the Director of Public Safety will decide whether a closure, class cancellation or delay will be declared due to the weather conditions. Individual campuses, such as the Medical campus, Blue Ash campus and Clermont campus, may have specific concerns or issues that need to be addresses separately from Uptown campus.

To learn more, please read the full document.

Winter Weather Plan

The city of Cincinnati is in a region that has been subjected to severe winter weather in the past. The winter weather plan establishes the proper emergency response action following a severe winter storm.

To learn more, please read the full document.


Severe weather can strike at any time. Being prepared and having advance notice that a tornado is approaching your area can give you the critical time needed to move to a place with better protection.

Below you will find the university's tornado procedures, severe weather locations for university campus buildings and a tornado preparedness documents.

Tornado Procedures

Tornado Preparedness (PDF)

Weather - Tornado Locations