Holistic Estate Planning

A well-designed and developed estate plan lets you enjoy your financial goals while creating your lasting legacy with a sense of confidence you are doing the best for you and your family.

a couple getting financial advice

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$39 / One Class

Instructor: Glynnis Reinhart

In-person at VPC Campus

This course takes the perspective that estate planning is much more than protecting your assets and minimizing your tax burden. A well-designed and developed estate plan lets you enjoy your financial goals while creating your lasting legacy with a sense of confidence you are doing the best for you and your family. You will be provided guidance on how to make the important decisions on how your money can work to realize your future goals.

About Your Instructor

Headshot of Glynnis Rheinhart

Glynnis Rheinhart

Glynnis Reinhart is a wealth advisor at Octavia Wealth Advisors. She gets great satisfaction from helping her clients to get out of debt and gain financial stability to start working towards achieving their financial goals.

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