OLLI Donors
Thank you to the following donors who supported OLLI at University of Cincinnati with a monetary gift during the most recent fiscal year (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024). Your generosity helps to keep fees low, supports scholarships for all who need them, and sustains OLLI into the future.
Robert & Janet Banks
David & Marilyn Beran
Lynne Beutel
Carol Brandon
David & Sara Butler
Kathryn Carroll
Bob & Debbie Carroll
Sandra Crawfis
Warren Dedich
Robert Dilgard
Elderhostel, Inc.
Radford & Arja Ewing
Carol Heideman
Hillandale Care Management LLC
Carol Huether
Jewish Home of Cincinnati, Inc.
Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc.
Richard Lenz
Charles & Jennifer Margolis
Keith & Peg Marriott
Jill & Bruce Mitchell
Greg Rhodes & Sallie Westheimer
George Stricker
Kathy and Shannon Womer
Karen Zaugg
Charles Abbottsmith
Kathleen & William Fussinger
Nancy Herbert
Jane Hopson & Larry Pytlinski
Cheryl & Roy Newman
Christine Rhoads
Diane Slovin
Mary Beth & Tom Sundermann
Steve Warkany
Christine Adams
Bettye Beaumont
Nancy & Richard Booms
Bruce Bowdon & Robin Bratt
Robert Brackenbury & Linda Parysek
William & Patricia Brandt
Thomas & Karen Breed
Marianna Brown Bettman
John Bryan & Terry Peters-Bryan
Ruth Ann Bumiller
Barbara Burke
Kevin Celarek
Patricia Crawfis
Frank & Michelle Davis
Paul De Marco & Karen Smith
Carole Donnelly
Dilly Dooley
Fred & Kay Fathe
Henry & Diana Fenichel
Alan Flaherty & Patti Myers
Ellen Frankenburg
Carol Friel
Kent Friel
Richard & Carol Goetz
Amy Brooks Gottesfeld
Patricia & Thomas Hays
Marvin & Jacqueline Heller
Joe & Marilyn Hirschhorn
Joanna & Kirtland Hobler
Gary Hollander, CFP
Nada Huron
Pamela Jacobson
Julie & Richard Kantor
Linda Klump
Carol Kruse
Jean Lieberman
Doug & Ruth MacCurdy
Jennifer & Dick Manoukian
Richard & Carolyn Marra
Pamela Meyers & Gerald Greenberg
Suzi & Jeffrey Mikutis
Caryl Miller & Deb Price
Gilbert & Melanie Minson
Robert Mlinar
Sally Moore
Judi Morress
Thomas Noonan
Peter Nord
Cate O'Hara
Lori Payne
Muriel Petermann
Tolli Pugh
Louise & Gary Roselle
Josie Russo
Beverly Saeks
Judy Schechter
Schimberg Family Charitable Foundation
Janice Schloss
Ruth Schwallie & Mark Silbersack
Melvin & Thelma Shotten
Diane Lieberman Slovin
Kristin & Jeff Suess
Alan Sunderman
Rick & Kathleen Takanen
Jacqueline Tinney
Barbara & Thomas Tobias
Robert & Marcia Togneri
Joseph Warkany
Susan Weil
Ophra Weisberg
Richard and Ann Wendel
Debbie Westheimer
Patricia & Robert Wilhelmy
Martha Wilson
Page & Eric Anderson
Maria Babilon
Amy Baker
Howie Baum
Joanne & David Buchman
Beverly Byl
Janet Callif
Tom Cislo
JoEllen & Robert Cohen
Trudy & Robert Craig
Linda Cunningham
Melody Dargis
Charlie Doan
Keith Eagar
Stan Elliott
Judy Fischer
Gregory Gajus
Brenda & Carlo Gatti
Ralph & Patricia Giannella
Linda Goldschmidt
Marty Greenwell & Lisa Shusterman
Janet Hagins
Lynn Hamamoto
Barbara Haney
Angela Head
Margo Itkoff
Judith & Michael Kadetz
Cheryl & Richard Keller
John Lane
Bonnie Lemmel
Deborah & Peter Looby
Scott & Sheryl Mattis
Paula McFarland
Bill Menrath & Lee Crooks
Karen Midkiff
Donald & Judith Mills
Sandy Mingua
Patty Mitter
Linda Moy
James Neggerman
Ronald Plybon
Dorothy Powell
Myra Pravda
Kathleen Preuth
David Robertson
Monique Rothschild
Francine Schwartzberg
Jerold & Naomi Senser
Diane Shuford
Linn Sinnott
Norma Skoog
Shirley Soellner
John Stalnaker
Judy Stewart
Rita Stull
Kathryn Wekselman & Russel Durst
Lynn Wertheimer
Dana Winn
Edward Wolf & Amy Diamond
Jill & Randall Zimmerman
Joe Zukor