Tai Chi

People of all ages and fitness levels can learn Tai Chi. The slow gentle movements are ideal for building strength no matter what your previous activity level.  

two men doing tai chi

Tai Chi for Beginners

Thursday, August 22 - October 10, 7:00-8:00PM
$139 / 8 Classes 

Instructor: Ralph Dehner
Location: Victory Parkway Campus

This is a great introduction to tai chi. You will get all of the fundamentals with this easy to learn short set of moves appropriate for people of all ages and fitness levels. The slow gentle movements are ideal for building strength no matter what your previous activity level. The emphasis on breathing, posture, and a relaxed mental focus can be beneficial to practitioners at all abilities. Be assured that most people face a bit of a learning curve when they begin tai chi classes, but this focus on new and unfamiliar movement is also why tai chi has so many benefits for both the mind and the body.

About Your Instructor

Headshot of Ralph Dehner

Ralph Dehner

Ralph Dehner is a Master Trainer in the Tai Chi for Health Institute and offers many workshops, including Tai Chi for Arthritis and Tai Chi for Rehabilitation.

Invite a friend to come to class with you!