2015 Safety and Reform Year-End Update
From: Staff Announcement List [UC-Staff@listserv.uc.edu] on behalf of University of Cincinnati President's Office (presoff) [presoff@UCMAIL.UC.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2015 9:37 AM
Subject: [UC-STAFF] Safety and Reform Update
Dear UC Community, As we approach the end of 2015, we want to provide you with an update on the public safety and reform efforts of the University of Cincinnati Police Department (UCPD). The university is committed to implementing the changes needed to ensure that we are providing effective and equitable policing, and become a national model for best practices in urban-university policing.
To meet that goal, we created the Community Advisory Council (CAC) in October. The CAC is a 19-member council that meets monthly and is chaired by the Honorable Judge John A. West from the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas. Membership on this council includes a wide array of stakeholders, including representatives from our UC community (students, faculty, staff, and alumni), along with community and faith leaders, social service providers, CUF and Corryville community representatives, and law enforcement officials among others. The CAC was created to provide community input and oversight of our reform efforts.
In addition, a Request for Proposals (RFP) to hire a national team of experts to conduct a topto-bottom review of all UCPD policies, procedures and practices has been issued. (To view the RFP, click here.) Responses to the RFP are due next week, and a selection committee comprised of community members and UC staff will aid in the selection process. We expect the initial findings from this review will be released in June 2016.
This past October, all UCPD officers received Fair and Impartial Policing training by nationally renowned scholars and police trainers. (For a description of this training, click here.) This important training is the first of many new training sessions to be held for the UCPD over the coming months.
Additionally we, along with S. Gregory Baker, Director of Police Community Relations, and James Whalen, Director of Public Safety, have been meeting with community groups, faith leaders, social service organizations, employees, and neighborhood community councils to listen to their thoughts and concerns, gather their ideas, and provide an overview of our work to date.
Although much work has been accomplished, there is still more to be done. In the Spring 2016 semester, we will issue a Perceptions of Policing Survey to gauge your experiences and perceptions of policing on or near campus. This survey will also gather information regarding your concerns surrounding the officer-involved shooting of Samuel Dubose, and the University’s responses since that incident. UCPD Officers will also be surveyed regarding their perceptions and experiences.
These efforts are critical milestones as we work to implement safety enhancements and advance the university’s reform agenda. We encourage you to stay abreast of our progress by visiting www.uc.edu/safety-reform.
Have a safe and peaceful holiday break, and a joyous start to the New Year.
Robin S. Engel, Vice President, Safety & Reform
Robert F. Ambach, Senior Vice President, Administration & Finance