Public Safety

January 10, 2018

Safety & Reform Community Advisory Council


No Agenda for the January Meeting

Next Meeting

Tuesday, February 6, 2018 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM in 320 University Pavilion



CAC Members

  • Judge John West, Chair
  • Eric Abercrumbie
  • Doug Barge
  • Bashir Emlemdi
  • Peg Fox
  • Bobby Hilton
  • Jack Martin
  • Mel Otten
  • KZ Smith
  • Terri Theetge
  • Charlene Ventura

UC Administration

  • Gregory Baker
  • Robin Engel
  • Maris Herold
  • Bleuzette Marshall
  • James Whalen

CAC Members Not in Attendance

  • Branden Boseman
  • Yasmin Chilton
  • Mike Ealy
  • Aaron Greenlea
  • Chara Fisher Jackson
  • Ennis Tait
This table lists topics discussed at the meeting that need further action taken, the name of the person responsible for completing the action and the date that the action needs to be completed.
Action Items Responsible Person(s) Due Date
Post minutes of 1/10/18 meeting to website Engel/Morris 1/23/18

Welcome and Administrative Matters

Judge John West, Chairman and Dr. Robin S. Engel, VP for Safety & Reform

Judge West provided welcome and thanked members for schedule flexibility.

  • Judge West noted that there was not a formal agenda for this special session of the CAC.
  • The meeting was scheduled by the CAC hiring subcommittee to hear a presentation from UCPD Interim Police Chief, Maris Herold.
  • This presentation is part of the promotional process for Interim Chief Herold in consideration for the Chief of Police position.
  • Judge West acknowledged outside visitors and thanked UC administration for attending.


Dr. Robin Engel welcomed everyone to UC’s newly opened Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

  • She noted that the creation and use of this room was one of Exiger’s recommendations, and was now assessed as being in substantial compliance of this recommendation. Dr. Engel introduced Ed Dadosky, the Director for Emergency Management and Business Continuity.
  • Director Dadosky explained the new center and its role within the university, as well as its use as a training room. He thanked Dr. Engel for her leadership and the University for investing in a state-of-the art Emergency Operations Center.

Dr. Engel discussed the work of the CAC’s hiring subcommittee.

  • A subcommittee of the CAC was formed to explore the best course of action regarding a search process for the vacant Chief of Police position. (Subcommittee included: Judge John West, Lt. Colonel Theetge, Charlene Ventura, Peg Fox, Yasmin Chilton, Brandan Boseman, Director Greg Baker and Director James Whalen.)
  • The collective consensus of the group was to have Dr. Engel officially document the sentiments of the CAC Members regarding their preferences.
  • Several draft memos were circulated among committee members and ultimately shared with Exiger, Tamie Grunow (Sr. Assoc. VP & Chief of HR), and Equal Opportunity Access for review.
  • Dr. Engel received feedback from both HR and EOA recommending a positional process.
  • Although UCPD has several policies that guide various promotional processes with the UCPD, there was not a specific process for promotion to Chief of Police. The recommended process from the CAC subcommittee is that Maris Herold deliver a presentation to the full CAC to provide an opportunity to articulate her vision and plans for the UCPD and also provides an opportunity for CAC members to ask questions prior to making an assessment regarding her ability and qualifications.

Dr. Engel introduced Interim Chief Maris Herold.

Presentation of Vision and Mission

Interim Chief of Police, Maris Herold

Maris Herold thanked CAC members and visitors for the opportunity to share her goals for UCPD.

  • Began with sharing her personal background and career journey.
  • Colonel Herold emphasized that she is committed to three things:
    • Dedication to the reform efforts
    • Officer development
    • Establishing partnerships
  • Stressed that the goals cannot be accomplished alone, she will make use of the talented team at UCPD.

Colonel Herold discussed her vision for the department.

  • Immediate vision is to get the university safely through the uninvited speaker. Working on planning, crowd dynamics, and various others aspects.
  • Future vision covers things over the next 2-3 years. Continuing work with the External Monitor, working on recruitment for a more diversified police force and various other areas.
  • Answered the question of “Why does she want to serve and lead UCPD?”
    • Her career has revolved around police reform.
    • Main reason is the officers – both sworn and security. She passionately described how she believes in and will support the officers she leads and the community she serves.

Colonel Herold closed with saying that in order to be an effective leader, you must be a role model.

Much of your views will be instilled in the officers you send out of the door into the community. Officers need to see how she respects the community and it will be a ripple effect for each officer and staff member. She will do her best to be a positive role model.

Colonel Herold stressed that she is proud to be a UCPD officer and wants all UCPD officers to be proud of the work they are doing.

A copy of Interim Chief Herold’s presentation can be found at: Col. Herold Presentation


CAC Members

Members asked various questions of Interim Chief Herold, including her views on patrolling off-campus, and the role and involvement of students, faculty and staff.  Questions were also asked about municipal vs. campus policing, the role of UCPD within the University Hospital, and officer morale.

Interim Chief Herold was thanked for her presentation and excused from the room, along with all other visitors.

Officer Interview Findings

Director Greg Baker and Dr. Eric Abercrumbie

Director Baker and Dr. Abercrumbie were asked by the CAC to interview / informally poll UCPD officers of all ranks regarding their impressions of Interim Chief Herold’s leadership.  They reported their findings back to the CAC Members.

Overall outcome from officers was that there was no need to look outside of UCPD for a Police Chief. The stability of having Interim Chief Herold become the permanent Chief was stressed as important for the agency.

Officers noted that they have had eight leaders in seven years. The officers reported that they need a good leader who would see the reform efforts through; officers reported that Herold has compassion for officers and community. They expressed feeling that she is the right person at the right time for this agency.

The command staff officers reported that morale has greatly improved since she has been the Interim Chief.

Director Baker commented that he and Dr. Abercrumbie asked candid, direct questions, and believed that the officers and staff really do believe that Herold is the best candidate inside or outside of the UCPD.


Judge John West

Judge West led a discussion of CAC Members regarding Interim Chief Herold’s presentation, her work performance, and findings from Director Baker and Dr. Abercrumbie’s report.

The support expressed for Interim Chief Herold was overwhelmingly and unanimously positive.

Judge West called for a motion to approve the CAC’s recommendation to Dr. Engel for the immediate promotion of Maris Herold to Chief of Police.

  • Charlene Ventura motioned, and Pastor KZ Smith seconded the motion.
  • Of the 11 CAC Members present, all voted in favor of the motion. There are currently 16 active members on the CAC.

Dr. Engel noted that she would seek input from the remaining CAC Members not in attendance.  In addition, she would gather feedback from others at the University, and would provide updates to CAC members regarding her decision for promotion.

Judge West ended the meeting with plans to discuss final promotional steps with Dr. Engel.

Future Meeting
  • Tuesday, February 6, 2018 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM in 320 University Pavilion - Exiger monitors will be in attendance to provide the Year 1 summary.