Fitness Special Events

National Hispanic Heritage Month

Join us in celebrating National Hispanic Heritage month and take part in one of our specialty classes! While the specialty classes are only highlighted during the week of September 15, the group fitness studios will be decorated in celebration of Latin heritage and various playlists will feature Latin artists from September 15 - October 15.

Class name, date, time and instructor for National Hispanic Heritage Month group fitness classes.
Class Name Date  Time Instructor
Bachata Yoga Flow September 16 7:30-8:15p Cadence
Cycle Concert Series: Latin Ride September 18 7-7:45p Katherine
Zumba September 19 5-5:45p Kelly k.

Learn to Lift Series

Fitness Special Events

Work with a certified personal trainer to learn the basics of the big three lifts, squat, bench, and deadlift. These sessions will be held in the Personal Training Suite at the Campus Recreation Center. 

Class name, date, time and location for Learn to Lift 
Lift  Date  Time Location
Squat September 19 4:30-6:30p PT Suite
Bench Press  October 3 4:30-6:30p PT Suite
Deadlift October 17 4:30-6:30p PT Suite

Miles Biked Challenge

October 1 - 31

Rise to the top of the cycle leaderboard! Attend as many cycling classes as you can and track your miles throughout the month of October! The top three participants will receive prizes!

Stay tuned for more information.

Women's Wellness Retreat

Saturday, October 12 at 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Spend a day focusing on emotional, physical, and social wellness. This event will include group workouts, conversations on food and exercise, panels on confidence, and opportunities to meet many women working to improve their health and wellness!

Mock Powerlifting Meet

Saturday, November 2 at 9 a.m.

Have you ever wanted to test your strength on squat, bench and deadlift? Or maybe you have been interested in Powerlifting but want to test out what a meet is like before signing up for an official meet. Then you should check out Campus Recreation's Mock Powerlifting Meet. We will run this meet according to USA Powerlifting [USAPL] standards. 

All participants will receive Sour Strips and Alani Nu with winners recieving an award. 

More info coming soon!  

Iron Bearcat Challenge

November 1 - 30

The Iron Bearcat is our Bearcat version of the Ironman where participants Run or Walk, Swim or Row, and Bike different distances. Over the course of a month, you can challenge yourself to complete a full Ironman or Sprint Triathlon version anytime and anywhere!

Stay tuned for more information.