Intramural Sports Handbook
Mission and Values
The University of Cincinnati Intramural Sports program offers various activities for students, faculty, and staff. The program offers team, individual, and dual events in a variety of leagues and tournaments. The mission of the University of Cincinnati Intramural Sports Program is to:
- Provide students, faculty, and staff with the opportunity to participate in a variety of competitive recreational sports in a fun, safe environment.
- Provide quality facilities and equipment.
- Promote healthy lifestyles.
- Provide social opportunities.
Contact Info
Should you wish to meet with an Intramural administrator, please e-mail to set up an appointment.
Will Nordquist, Assistant Director - Intramural Sports & Events
You may suffer physical and/or mental injury from participating in Intramural Sports. There are certain risks of injury that are inherent to participation in sports and recreational activities. These types of injuries may be minor or serious and may result from the actions or inactions of themselves or others. By choosing to participate in Intramural Sports, you do so at your own risk. It is understood that most activities require a certain level of fitness and health, and that each person has a different capacity for participating in these activities. Participants of Intramural Sports are highly encouraged to have a physical examination and procure health insurance prior to play. UC Campus Recreation does not provide health insurance.
Intramural Supervisors undergo concussion recognition training. In the instance a participant is exhibiting any signs or symptoms of a concussion as a result of a head injury sustained during intramural play, he or she will be removed from the activity. This individual must provide a physician’s note clearing the individual to play by a specific date. This note may be e-mailed to or faxed to 513-556-0601.
The University of Cincinnati does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, age, sexual orientation, veteran status or gender identity and expression in its programs and activities.
The university does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or retaliation on these bases and takes steps to ensure that students, employees, and third parties are not subject to a hostile environment in University programs or activities.
The university responds promptly and effectively to allegations of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. It promptly conducts investigations and takes appropriate action, including disciplinary action, against individuals found to have violated its policies, as well as provides appropriate remedies to complainants and the campus community. The university takes immediate action to end a hostile environment if one has been created, prevent its recurrence, and remedy the effects of any hostile environment on affected members of the campus community.
1. General Eligibility
To be eligible for intramural participation, each player must be a current University of Cincinnati student (enrolled in at least one credit hour during the current semester of intramural play), faculty, or staff member.
- Full-time, main campus students automatically receive a UC Campus Recreation membership through full payment of the student life fee.
- Part-time students, co-op students, branch students, distance learning students, faculty, and staff do not automatically pay the full student life fee, and therefore need to purchase a UC Campus Recreation membership or a day pass on the date of each indoor intramural game they are particpating in to be eligible. Find out more about membership rates.
Intramural participants who enter the Campus Recreation Center and participate in an indoor intramural sport without a membership or purchasing a day pass per game will be referred to judicial affairs.
2. Gender
Campus Recreation supports individuals wanting to participate in the league that best matches their gender identity. Participants may change the type of league they wish to play in once per school year. Adjustments made after play begins for a season will need to wait until the next season or semester begins. You can request this change by:
- Logging into IMLeagues
- Clicking on your name in the upper right corner of the page
- Selecting "Account"
- Clicking on "I participate as"
- Adjusting as desired
- Clicking "Request Change"
- Campus Recreation professional staff will then be notified and make the adjustment
If you have any questions, please email Campus Recreation professional staff at
3. Playing on Multiple Teams
Participants may participate on one (1) mixed gender and one (1) non-mixed gender (i.e. men's, women's, fraternity, sorority) team per sport, per season.
Open Leagues qualify as a flex league - participants may apply their Open League participation as either a gender or non-mixed gender league. Participants are still limited to two (2) total leagues when using this flex option.
Substituting for another team in the same league is prohibited. Offending players and teams may be subject to suspensions and/or forfeits.
- Allowed
A male participant participates on both a men's league and mixed gender league intramural soccer team in the same season. - Not Allowed
A male participant participates on both a men's league and fraternity league soccer team in the same season
4. Club Sport Team Players
A club sport player is defined as one who has practiced or played in a contest for a UC competitive club sport team within the same academic year.
- A club sport player participating in the same or a similar intramural sport must choose the highest level of competition offered.
- For sports with five (5) or more players on the playing field at one time, a team is limited to two (2) club sport participants (in the same or similar sport) on its’ roster.
- For sports with four (4) or less players on the playing field at one time, a team is limited to one (1) club sport participant (in the same or similar sport) on its’ roster.
Example: A female UC club volleyball player may not participate on a mixed gender recreational intramural volleyball team. She may only participate on a mixed gender competitive intramural volleyball team if she wishes to play in the mixed gender league.
Example: After the club soccer season ends, a graduating men’s club soccer player is removed from the roster in December. Since intramural soccer begins the following February, this individual will still be considered a club soccer player and will count towards the roster limit (two competitive club soccer players per roster) for any intramural soccer team.
5. Varsity Athletes
Current varsity athletes are not allowed to play on an intramural team of the same or similar sport. Former varsity athletes must sit out 365 days from last appearing on a varsity roster to be eligible to play in the same or similar sport.
- Former varsity athletes participating in the same or a similar intramural sport must compete in the highest competition level offered.
- Teams are allowed one (1) former varsity athlete per team.
- Redshirt/Prop 48 players are not eligible to participate in the same or similar sport.
6. Professional Athletes
Any player who is declared a professional is ineligible from participating in a like or similar intramural sport.
*During the regular season, any player in violation of any eligibility rule may be suspended. The Intramural Department may also choose to forfeit affected games of teams with players in violation of these rules. Intramural Sports reserves the right to modify or issue any ruling that is deemed essential to the success of the program.
1. Valid Identification
During a player's first sign in for each team, they must present their valid Bearcat card or Catalyst account (with photo).
Players who cannot show their valid Bearcat ID or Catalyst account (with photo) will not be permitted to play.
2. False Identification
Participants caught using false identification will incur the following consequences:
- The ID will be confiscated and given to Public Safety.
- The participant will be asked to give his/her name to the intramural supervisor. If he/she does not provide his/her name, the captain will be asked for the information. If the captain will not provide the player’s name, he or she will be ejected from the game.
- The team will be put on probation and any further instances will result in expulsion from the league.
- The incident will be referred to the Judicial Affairs Office.
Captains play an integral part in the Intramural Sports program. Listed below are responsibilities that captains are expected to perform throughout the season
1. Pre-Season Responsibilities
- Pay for the team online or in person.
- Register the team on IMLeagues
- Complete the online sport quiz by registration close [all members of the team]
- Invite players to the team and have the minimum number of players confirmed on IMLeagues by registration close
- Review Intramural Handbook and sport rules. Communicate this information to all team members.
- Notify team members of scheduled games.
2. Season Responsibilities
- Serve as the team’s spokesperson at games. Protests may only be initiated by team captains.
- Ensure all players are eligible for participation.
- Check schedules online weekly and notify teams of any changes.
- Verify that scores were inputted on IMLeagues correctly and notify the Intramural office of any errors.
- Maintain an open line of communication with the intramural office.
- For playoffs, pay the reinstatement fee if the team has one regular season forfeit.
Due to limited facility availability, entries are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Registration consists of two parts (payment and IMLeagues registration) which must be completed in order to guarantee a team’s spot. Please note a team’s payment reserves its’ spot in the desired division. Registering on IMLeagues prior to payment does not hold a spot for a team.
1. Step One – Pay the team fee
- Credit/debit card payments will be taken online.
- Check payments may be taken at the Member Services desk at the Campus Recreation Center during normal business hours. Please make the check out to, "University of Cincinnati."
- Log in to myMemberServices and click on Program Registration.
- If you do not have an account, visit the new account page, enter your M number, and follow the prompts to create an account.
- Click on Intramurals.
- Click on View Programs under the sport you would like to register for.
- Click on Add to Cart for the division(s) you would like to pay for.
- Click on the cart program at the top of the page, and follow the prompts to submit payment.
- You will receive a confirmation e-mail from within two (2) business days with further instructions.
2. Step Two – Register the team on IMLeagues
Following registration, captains will need to register their teams online in a timely manner on IMLeagues. This website is used primarily for scheduling purposes.
- Team Names - Campus Recreation reserves the right to prohibit or modify team names which it deems to be in poor taste, derogatory, profane, offensive, or misleading to other teams (i.e. “Bye Week” or “No game”).
3. Step Three – Complete the sport quiz prior to registration close
- After registering your team on IMLeagues, go to your team’s home page.
- At the top of the page will be a light red bar that says, “The team must pass a quiz for participation. To take the quiz Click Here.” Select Click Here.
- Complete the quiz.
- Following the quiz, your score will be displayed. You must correctly answer all questions to pass. If you did not pass, there will be a Re-take Quiz option.
- Each participant must pass the quiz prior to noon on the season start date. Failure to do so will render the participant ineligible to participate
4. Step Four – Have the minimum number of players CONFIRMED on your roster by registration close
# of Players | Sports |
Two |
Spikeball, Pickleball - Doubles, PickleWall, Tennis - Doubles |
Three | Basketball - 3v3, 4-on-4 Flag Football, 4-on-4 Volleyball, Wallyball |
Four | Flag Football - 4v4, Volleyball - 4v4, |
Five | Basketball - 5v5, Soccer - 5v5 |
Six | Volleyball - 6v6, Cricket |
Seven | Flag Football - 7v7, Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer - 7v7 |
Eight | Flag Football - 8v8 |
Nine | Softball, Kickball |
Eleven | Soccer - 11v11 |
- Captain: How to Invite a Player.
- In IMLeagues, go to your team’s home page.
- In the middle of the page is a roster box. Select Invite.
- Enter your team members’ e-mail addresses to invite them or you can search using their first/last names.
- The player MUST ACCEPT the invitation to be confirmed and added to the roster.
- Captain: How to Confirm/Deny Player Add Requests.
- In IMLeagues, go to your team’s home page.
- If players have requested to be added, there will be a light red box near the top of the page that says, “Pending Request! You have # request to join your team. View.”
Select View. - Select Confirm or Deny for each pending player. You can also send them a message.
- Player: How to Request to be Added to a Team.
- In IMLeagues, click on the sport/league, division, and team name of the team you wish to join.
- To the right of the team name, select Join Team.
- The captain MUST ACCEPT the request for the player to be confirmed and added to the roster.
- Failure to have the minimum number of players confirmed can result in the team not being included in the league
5. Rosters
Players must be on the IMLeagues roster prior to signing in at the game site. Captains may choose to add players throughout the season online at See individual sport rules for maximum number of players per team
Players may not be added to rosters once playoffs have begun. Players may not be removed from rosters after having played in one game
1. Types of Leagues
- Mixed Gender: All genders participate together with required ratios of genders. Required ratios depend on the number of players on the court or field. Please reference the specific sport's rules for these ratios.
- Greek (Fraternity/Sorority): Only active undergraduate members and pledges of a recognized fraternity or sorority, as determined by the Center for Student Involvement, may compete. Fraternities and sororities will be limited to one fraternity/sorority team in the Greek league for each sport to allow each Greek organization equal opportunity to participate in the league.
- Open: A special type of league with no specific gender requirements. Individuals of all gender identities can participate in this league with no required ratios of men, women, or other gender identities. In addition, teams comprised of individuals all of one gender identitiy.
- Women’s Only: Gender-specific league. Only a few sports have this option available.
2. Competition Level
League play may be divided into two competition levels (competitive and recreational) for leagues within specific sports that historically have a substantial amount of teams.
Designed to meet the needs of the highly skilled, highly competitive participant. This league places emphasis on the competitive aspect of sport for those participants who have competed in the sport at an advanced skill level.
Designed to meet the needs of the participant who emphasizes participation, fitness, socializing and fun. Participants may range from highly skilled to beginners who wish to play in a recreational atmosphere.
3. Playoff Reclassification
The intramural department reserves the right to place recreational league teams in competitive division playoffs if, in its’ opinion, the indicated team is performing at a significantly higher skill level than the rest of the recreational league teams.
Individuals that do not have a team but would like to join one are considered free agents. Individuals wanting to be picked up by a team should visit to sign up for free agency. Captains may login and view free agents by league and contact possible players.
1. Defaults
A default provides a team with an opportunity to cancel a game for a loss and not be assessed a forfeit. In addition, teams that default will receive a 3.0 sportsmanship rating. A team is limited to one default per sport, per season. A team captain must notify Campus Recreation via e-mail: by noon before the scheduled game. Teams defaulting Sunday contests must notify the Intramural Office by noon on the Friday before. Default requests received after noon of the scheduled game date will result in a team loss and forfeit.
2. Late Policy
Teams are required to arrive 10 minutes before scheduled game times to both check-in and participate in a Captain's meeting. If a team representative fails to arrive by the start of the Captain's meeting their team will lose the Captain's choice/high seed privilege - including in playoffs. Teams without the minimum number of players required checked-in 1 to 9 minutes after the scheduled game time will be assessed a late penalty. The opposing captain may elect NOT to assess the late penalties, however, the number of minutes late will be deducted from the first half or total time in sports that are timed. Please consult individual sport rules for the minimum number of individuals required to begin play and the specific late penalties.
3. Forfeits
A forfeit is declared when a team or individual fails to appear or is not prepared to begin play with the minimum number of players 10 minutes after the scheduled game time. A double forfeit is declared when both teams or individuals fail to appear or are not prepared to begin play with the minimum number of players 10 minutes after the scheduled game time. A forfeiting team will receive a sportsmanship score of 0 and will be ineligible for playoffs.
1. Regular Season Schedules
All league schedules will be posted on IMLeagues. Captains will be e-mailed following registration once the regular season schedules have been published. Following each game, it is the captain’s responsibility to review game results online for accuracy.
2. Playoff Schedules
Playoff brackets will be posted on IMLeagues. Captains will be e-mailed once playoff brackets are published. It is the captain's responsibility to check the brackets online for information regarding his/her team's next game. Captains should read brackets carefully, as there may be doubleheaders or games on consecutive days.
3. Pre-season Scrimmages
Intramural teams have the opportunity to schedule a pre-season scrimmage to help their team get ready for the regular season. Preseason scrimmages are also used as formal, hands-on training for intramural sports officials. A captain can sign up for a scrimmage when paying for a team. Scrimmages are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. A team that forfeits a scheduled scrimmage will be deducted two (2) sportsmanship points from its first regular season game.
4. Schedules & Reschedules
Athletic facilities are shared between Athletics, Intramural Sports, Club Sports, and other university and non-university groups. Periodically, schedules need to be modified because of changes in athletic practices, contests, or events outside of our control. For this reason, Campus Recreation may have to change game times and/or opponents. Schedule changes may also occur when teams are added or dropped from league competition. Every attempt will be made to ensure that teams are given reasonable notification of schedule changes.
1. Jewelry
Across all intramural sports, jewelry is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to earrings, bracelets, watches, wearable fitness trackers, necklaces, and rings. Medical jewelry is allowed, but must be taped down.
2. Suitable Attire
For the safety of all participants, athletic clothing and footwear is required. Prohibited items include, but is not limited to: jeans, cargo pants/shorts, skirts, loafers, open-toed shoes, and boots. Indoor sports require non-marking footwear. For outdoor field sports, detachable or metal cleats are prohibited.
3. Casts and Braces
Any casts, braces, or other protective equipment must be padded and secure.
4. Sport Equipment & Jerseys
Unless specifically mentioned in the rules, UC Intramural Sports provides sport equipment and jerseys. Teams may elect to bring their own jerseys. Numbers must be at least four inches in height.
- For basketball jerseys, all digits on each jersey must be between 0 and 5 (i.e. 63, 74, and 88 are examples of illegal numbers for basketball).
5. Sport-Specific Considerations
Flag Football: Articles of clothing with hoods are not permitted
Basketball: Masks and clothing with hoods are not permitted
Soccer and Futsal: Shin guards are highly recommended, but not provided. Clothing with hoods are not permitted
Softball: Gloves are not provided
In the event of inclement weather, participants will be messaged via email and/or text
1. Sportsmanship Ratings
In order to qualify for playoffs, teams must obtain a 3.0 or higher sportsmanship average during the regular season.
Score | Player & Team Behavior |
4 | Always respectful to officials and opposing team. No complaining or arguing. |
3 | Usually respectful to officials and opposing team. Minimal arguing or complaining about officials. |
2 | Moderately disrespectful to officials and/or opposing team. Any unsporting violations |
1 | Frequently disrespectful to officials and/or opposing team. Frequent arguing or complaints about officials. Any contact or provocation of officials. |
0 | Player(s) out of control. Excessively disrespectful to officials and/or opposing team. Excessive arguing or complaints about officials.* |
* A team that receives a "0" rating will be suspended from competition until its captain meets with the Assistant Director or Coordinator of Intramural Sports. The team may be removed from competition.
Officials may choose to give or remove additional tenths depending on instances of good or poor sportsmanship during the contest. Please note that these are guidelines and final interpretation on sportsmanship is determined by the Assistant Director or Coordinator of Intramural Sports.
2. Ejections
Any player receiving two unsporting violations during an intramural contest shall be immediately ejected and suspended from all Intramurals until he/she meets with the Assistant Director and/or Coordinator of Intramural Sports. The suspended person may face further suspensions. It should be noted that any disciplinary action resulting from intramural participation will equally affect Campus Recreation Center privileges.
Any team receiving three unsporting violations in a single game will immediately forfeit that game.
Identification of players, coaches, and spectators is considered the responsibility of the captain. Team captains who cannot or will not control their players, coaches, and/or spectators will be issued an unsporting violation. If a violation is recurrent or flagrant, the captain will be given multiple unsporting violations and be ejected from the game.
3. Sportsmanship Ratings during Playoffs
During playoffs, a winning team must score a 3 sportsmanship rating or higher to automatically advance to the next round.
- If a team receives below a 3 sportsmanship rating, the Intramural Office will review the previous game along with sportsmanship ratings from the regular season to determine if the winning team advances or not.
- A team that receives lower than a "2.0" rating during playoffs will be immediately eliminated from post-season competition. The team which was disqualified may be subject to further disciplinary action.
Any player receiving multiple unsporting violations in one game or three in an entire season (including playoffs) will be disqualified from any remaining games. Campus Recreation reserves the right to enforce additional penalties extending to subsequent seasons against players receiving unsporting violations in competition.
4. Unsportsmanlike Penalties/Fouls
Unsportsmanlike penalties or ejections may be administered before, during, or after an intramural contest.
5. Intimidation or Threats
Any team or individual that threatens or tries to intimidate an official, opponent, or Campus Recreation employee will be immediately ejected from the game and could be suspended from all intramural activities for the remainder of their academic career at the University of Cincinnati. Each incident will be handled on case by case basis by the Assistant Director or Coordinator of Intramural Sports and Associate Director of Programs. Additionally, the incident will be referred to the Judicial Affairs Office. Criminal charges may be filed.
6. Fighting
Any team or player that participates in a fight before, during, or after an intramural game will be immediately ejected from the facility and suspended from all intramural activities for up to the remainder of their academic career at the University of Cincinnati. Each incident will be handled on a case by case basis by the Assistant Director or Coordinator of Intramural Sports. Additionally, the incident will be referred to the Judicial Affairs Office. Criminal charges may be filed.
7. Alcohol/Tobacco/Controlled Substances
Illegal use of drugs or alcohol is prohibited under the Student Code of Conduct and Ohio Law. No individual will be allowed to participate in any activity under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Spectators and players are prohibited from bringing to and/or consuming alcohol at an activity site. Individuals violating this rule shall be removed immediately. Any participant removed from a game due to a violation of the alcohol policy shall be suspended from Intramurals under the guidelines of Section 13.2.
Additionally, the use of tobacco during any Intramural Sports activity is strictly prohibited. A team, participant, or spectator caught using tobacco products at an Intramural Sports event will be immediately asked to leave the venue and suspended under guidelines of Section 13.2. The game in which the violator is participating (playing/watching) will not resume until that person removes him/herself. Failure of the team to assist the staff in helping to remove the violator may result in a forfeit of the contest. Smoking and use of tobacco products is prohibited on UC’s campus.
Any team that has a participant removed for a violation of the alcohol/tobacco/controlled substance policies, or does not cooperate fully with Campus Recreation staff in resolving violations by spectators associated with their team, or is found possessing or consuming any subtsances at an activity site shall automatically receive an unsatisfactory sportsmanship rating for that contest and may be expelled for the remainder of the season.
8. Abusing Equipment or Facilities
Players defacing, abusing, or wrongly using UC property, including athletic facilities or intramural equipment, will be immediately ejected from the contest and escorted from the premises. In addition, players and/or teams will be subject to action for the discarding of sunflower seeds or similar objects onto the surface of athletics facilities. Team entry fees will not be refunded for violating teams, and the incident will be referred to the Judicial Affairs Office. Teams leaving trash or disposing of sunflower seeds or other similar items at Intramural facilities will be subject to lower sportsmanship ratings, suspensions, and/or bans.
A team captain may protest only two specific instances:
1. Rule Interpretation
To protest rule interpretation, the team captain must immediately notify an official when the incident occurs. If a captain fails to notify an official of his/her intent to protest before play continues, then the team forfeits its right to lodge a protest on that situation. Upon notification, the official will suspend play so the Intramural Supervisor can be brought to the game site to make a ruling prior to the continuation of play. A game shall not resume until a decision has been rendered. The decision of the Intramural Sports Supervisor is final. An official's judgment call cannot be protested.
2. Player Eligibility
If it is believed that a player has violated any eligibility rule, a team captain may fill out an incident report with the Intramural Supervisor detailing what player's eligibility is being questioned. The Assistant Director or Coordinator of Intramural Sports will investigate and rule on the player's eligibility. If the captain is correct, appropriate action against the player in question will be taken.
Player eligibility protests occurring during the regular season must be filed within 48 hours from the game's completion. Player eligibility protests during the playoffs must be filed within 24 hours of the end of the contest. If a playoff game that you are protesting an ineligible player is played on a Thursday (during playoffs), the protest must be filed by noon the next day. You may send a protest to or leave a message at 513-556-0603 within the parameters listed.
1. Qualifying For Playoffs
Teams must satisfy the following criteria to become eligible for playoffs:
- Possess a 3 average sportsmanship rating or higher at the conclusion of the regular season.
- Have no forfeits from the regular season
- Possess a qualifying record [.500 record or better]
2. Playoff Rosters
All team rosters are locked at the end of the regular season. Players not on the roster will be ineligible to participate in playoff contests.
3. Playoff Sportsmanship
During playoffs, teams must receive a 3 or higher to automatically move on. Teams receiving below a 3 will be reviewed by the Intramural Sports professional staff who will make a decision to either advance or not advance the team. In all playoff sportsmanship cases, the advancement of the team will be determined in an individual manner by professional staff.
Intramural staff reserves the rights to alter or edit any rules and policies as seen fitting and apply said alterations in a case-by-case manner