Contract Compliance

Compliance Guidelines

Equal Employment Opportunities

UC's commitment mandates that vendors holding UC contracts or purchase orders adhere to the same equal employment opportunity practices as the university in respect to their own employees and subcontractors.

As a recipient of federal, state and local funds, UC is required to comply with the following:

  • Federal Executive Orders 11246 and 11375
  • House Bill 584
  • The Ohio Revised Code Section 3345.29
  • UC's Affirmative Action plan banning employment discrimination

Prevailing Wage Requirements

UC as a contracting public authority is subject to Chapter 4115 of the Ohio Revised Code relative to prevailing wage rates. Contract compliance provides the prevailing wage coordinator for all construction, remodeling, and repairs completed at the university by outside contractors.

Ohio Minority and Disadvantaged Business Programs

State-certified Minority Business Entrepreneurs (MBEs) are eligible for set-aside programs specifically and solely to be bid upon by minority firms for goods and services. The State of Ohio Department of Administrative Services is charged with certifying MBEs who have been in business for more than one year, own 51% or more of the business, and actually participated in the day-to-day management of the companies.

Vendors certified in the State Encouraging Diversity, Growth and Equity (EDGE) program are eligible to compete in university opportunities for goods, services, and construction. The State of Ohio Department of Administrative Services is also charged with certifying EDGE vendors.

Refer to the Office of Supplier Diversity for additional information and assistance.


Federal and/or state grants held by university departments, in whatever dollar amount, are subject to review as part of the university's overall dollar receipt of federal and/or state grant moneys.


Mailing Address

Office of Contract Compliance
University of Cincinnati
PO Box 210167
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0167

Phone Numbers and Email Addresses

  • Carmen Pinheiro (eff 08/05/24)
    Director of Contract Compliance
    513- 556-2366
  • Angie Moore
    Sr. Contract Compliance Analyst