CSD3033: Exposed: The Impact of the Opiod Epidemic on America's Children


The impact the current opioid epidemic has on the children of America will continue to be felt for generations. This course explores the impact of the opioid epidemic on America’s children at an individual, societal, and systematic level. Children may be impacted through direct exposure and/or may be exposed to sources of trauma secondary to a family member’s use of opioid (e.g. child welfare, death).  These exposures can result in significant developmental, academic, and social-emotional disabilities throughout childhood and adolescence. Additionally, the stigma of opioid exposure, use, and recovery, as well as the inequality that it perpetuates, will be addressed. Students will explore biases related to opioid addiction and recovery through interactions with the child welfare system and individuals in an addiction recovery clinic. Additionally, students will identify the key areas necessary to advance the success of children impacted by opioids and engage in advocacy activities to enhance equity and inclusion for these children and their families. 

Past Offerings