Aidan Kniskern
My UHP experience in five words
Engaging, exciting, worthwhile, enthralling, enlightening
Why UHP is for me
I believe UHP is a good fit for me because of the opportunities it offers. Whether that's study tours, engaging seminars, or the research opportunities, I can always find something invaluable I can put my time to. Also, without UHP, I doubt I would be nearly as ready for the professional world that is to come.

An honors experience I'll never forget
My favorite honors experience was a study tour I just finished at the end of my freshman year called Art, Architecture, and Engineering in Ancient Rome: The Roman Experience. This experience included a semester-long class where we discussed the life of Ancient Romans, as well as the vast amount of technological advancements the empire made. At the end of the year, we traveled to Naples and Rome, where we spent every day walking around the two cities, visiting numerous churches, monuments, and museums. This experience is definitely something I would recommend to any student, regardless of major.
Advice for anyone interested in UHP
Make as many connections as possible, as there are people from a multitude of backgrounds involved in the UHP.
What my future holds
I would love to continue to explore my options regarding careers as a mathematics major, as well as pursue a double major in the near future. I hope to get a few co-ops under my belt before committing to a career path, including an international co-op.