Tyler Cailteux
My UHP experience in five words
Experiential, Engaging, Meaningful, Purposeful, Lighthearted
Why UHP is for me
UHP provides me a space to connect with students outside of my college, and to develop myself as a student and a person.

An honors experience I'll never forget
The experience I look forward to the most is the "Warren Bennis Leadership Accelerator" Honors Seminar I will be taking in the Fall of 2024!
Advice for anyone interested in UHP
It never hurts to apply! College is all about stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying new things.
What my future holds
I am actively looking for my first co-op for some time within the next year! While I have no idea where my career will take me, I would love the opportunity to attend graduate school, with the end goal of becoming a professor.