Sadie Penix
My UHP experience in five words
Exciting, ambitious, engaging, adventurous, fulfilling
Why UHP is for me
UHP for me is a wonderful, individualized program that allows me to develop and cultivate my interests within the intersection of personal, academic, and professional pursuits. I have found countless opportunities that led to new growth and stimulated exciting experiences that I otherwise would not have pursued. Having a program full of ambitious peers and faculty that just want to help you grow has been incredible, and given me the confidence to chase after my dreams.

An honors experience I'll never forget
My favorite honors experience so far has been my Honors Intermediate Composition writing course. This honors seminar developed and challenged my writing, and encouraged me to create a writing style beyond the simple cut-and-paste format that I have been taught throughout my education thus far. The experience that I most look forward to is being a McNair Scholar as a member of the McNair Scholars Program! I am very excited to have the opportunity to research with a mentor, find internship opportunities, and gain valuable support to eventually go to grad school.
Advice for anyone interested in UHP
Always say yes! Before joining UHP I held myself back from opportunities because I thought that I might not be the perfect fit, there could be better candidates, or the experience might not be what I hope it is. But, in the words of Wayne Gretzky, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. You never know where an opportunity can lead you, so always say yes!!!
What my future holds
As an art history major, my next two summers (sophomore and junior summers) will be required co-op semesters. My goal is to work in New York, Washington, LA, or Seattle for those in museums or galleries! After finishing my undergraduate, I plan to go to graduate school and earn a masters degree in Business Administration. Long-term, I aspire to work in the creative industry in museums or galleries in a business administrative position. Right now though, I am taking things day by day to get to that point!