Residency Guide for Parents Brochure

We've taken information from our Residency web pages and made a friendly guide just for UC parents.

HOW ARE RESIDENCY STATUSES DETERMINED? Residency statuses are determined and assigned automatically based on the information students provide on their application and confirmation forms. HOW CAN STUDENTS CHECK THEIR RESIDENCY STATUS? In Bearcat Portal 1. Login to Bearcat Portal 2. Select My Profile (top-left corner) 3. General Information > Residency Status HOW CAN STUDENTS UPDATE THEIR RESIDENCY STATUS? Submit an Application Students should submit an electronic application for the residency status for which they wish to apply. Applications are due by the first day of the semester for which they are applying.

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OHIO RESIDENTS Residency for tuition rules and requirements are determined by the State of Ohio in accordance with Ohio Revised Cose 3333.31 and Ohio Administrative Code 3333-1-10. There are many requirements for Ohio residency for tuition in addition to one year of Ohio domicile. If classified as a non-resident for tuition, your student must apply for reclassification and provide required documents for determination. Military & Veteran Students/ Dependents The State of Ohio offers specific residency classifications for military and veteran students or dependents. Section 702 of the Veteran’s Choice Act requires students to be a covered individual, receive benefits, and be living in Ohio by the first day of term to be eligible for the in-state tuition rate. choice-act Selective Service Requirement Almost all male US citizens, regardless of where they live, and male immigrants, whether documented or undocumented, residing in the United States, who are 18 through 25 years of age, are required to register with Selective Service within 30 days of their eighteenth birthdays. Ohio students who are required to register with the US Selective Service—but have not done so—are ineligible for in-state tuition rates. Under the law, Ohio colleges and universities are required to charge such students the nonresident tuition rate. HOW TO REGISTER FOR SELECTIVE SERVICE Have Your Student: 1. Register for Selective Service. 2. Verify—and update if necessary—their Social Security Number in UC’s records, so we can automatically collect their Selective Service information. 3. Look out for any emails in their UC email coming from the Residency Team. We may need them to submit their Selective Service registration number if we are unable to automatically collect it. Register for Selective Service View and Update Social Security Number personal-information/social-security-number RESIDENTS OF INDIANA & KENTUCKY Indiana Residents If your student is an Indiana resident—depending upon their residential county in Indiana and the program in which they are enrolled— your student may be eligible for a discounted Indiana Metropolitan or Reciprocity rate. If your student is not automatically granted a discounted rate, they will need to complete an electronic Indiana Residency Application (found on our website). Kentucky Residents If your student is a Kentucky resident—depending upon their residential county in Kentucky and the program in which they are enrolled— your student may be eligible for a discounted Kentucky Metropolitan or Reciprocity rate. If your student is not automatically granted a discounted rate, they will need to complete an electronic Kentucky Residency Application (found on our website).

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