
Address changes are made in Catalyst. You can either update an existing address or add a new address. Review the definitions below for information about each address type.

Update an Existing Address

To update your address as it appears in Catalyst, follow the instructions below.

  1. Login to Catalyst, and click on the My Profile tile.
  2. Select the Addresses option on the left–hand side of the screen.
  3. Click on the arrow to the right of the address you wish to update.
  4. Enter the new information, then click Save.

Add a New Address

To add a new address, follow the instructions below.

  1. Login to Catalyst, and click on the My Profile tile.
  2. Select the Address option on the left–hand side of the screen.
  3. Click the plus sign button for any address that you need to update.
  4. Make sure to enter the From Date information that indicates when this address will be active, then click Save.

Address Definitions


Where you live when not actively attending UC (e.g. on breaks or after graduation)


Where you want any UC mailings to be sent

Home/Instructional Location

Where you are currently, physically living when actively attending UC