Social Security Number

University of Cincinnati may utilize your Social Security Number for federal reporting purposes (e.g., federal financial aid, Internal Revenue Service 1098-T forms, etc.) A correct Social Security Number ensures that we can report your degree(s) to employers when asked for verification.

Viewing the SSN on Record

To view the Social Security Number associted with your student record, follow the instructions below.

  1. Login to Catalyst, and click on the My Profile tile
  2. Under the Personal Details section, select the Biographic tab
  3. Open the Social Security Number section
  4. Enter the last four digits of your SSN, then press the View SSN Details button

Note: If the last four digits do not match what we have on file, you will not be able to view your Social Security Number in Catalyst.

Adding or Updating Your SSN

Please email us at for assistance in updating your Social Security Number on record. Do not include your SSN or a copy of your card in the email. We will coordinate with you the best way to securely add or update your SSN.