ENGR3016: From Autonomous Cars to the Jetsons
Designing the Future of Transportation
Instructor: Bryan Kowalczyk, Alejandro Robledo
Offered: Monday & Wednesday, 5:00 - 6:30pm
Our world depends on the movement of people and goods. We currently rely on massive highway systems and congested airports. How do future technologies such as autonomous cars and electric aircraft change this? How will we connect our rural areas to major cities? What affect will this have on pollution and energy needs? Will small robotic systems like drones take over our skies? This course will help redefine what you think about transportation including getting hands on experience with drones and see where we can take this technology.
Why take this course?
One of the most complex problems the world faces today is moving people and goods. If we continue to be dependent on a broken infrastructure system that was designed for 100 year old technology we will not be able to advance. We need students from all areas to be engaged with how we move and understand future mobility and what is needed to make that become a reality.
Past Offerings
- New Fall 2023