Geethika Velaga

Geethika Velaga Portrait

My UHP experience in five words

exciting, enriching, collaborative, community, innovative

Why UHP is for me

UHP provided me with the resources and guidance to expand upon my passions and also discover new interests that I would have otherwise been unable to. The program has supplied me with opportunities to enhance my academic and professional goals as a pre-med student and I hope to further explore my hobbies and interests. I was also able to find a close-knit community of individuals outside my major and build a network of friends, mentors, and advisors whom I am able to rely on and build close relationships with.

Geethika Velaga
Geethika Velaga

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

UHP provides a wide array of resources and programs which are both accessible and tailored to specific interests and passions, so I would encourage individuals to research and explore the opportunities that are available and attend the different recruitment events to gain an understanding of what the program has to offer. I would definitely encourage students to apply and join a community of students who are truly passionate in the pursuit of their interests and their field of study and take advantage of the opportunities the program has to offer.

An honors experience I’ll never forget

My favorite honors experience was being able to perform research under the Biomedical Research and Mentoring Program under a wonderful research mentor. Working in an orthopedic research lab, with no prior research experience, allowed me to understand what research entails as I was able to understand and strengthen valuable skills in time management, efficiency, and paying close attention to detail. I was able to understand the intricacies of data collection and apply my laboratory skills in a practical setting and understand the significance of the findings and how they play a role in a clinical context. I'm hoping to continue exploring my journey in research and further expand upon my research and scientific writing skills.

What my future holds

Looking ahead, in terms of academics, I'm hoping to continue my research work in my current lab and exploring a certificate in Bioethics as I take some elective courses pertaining to ethics in medicine. In terms of involvement, I'm looking forward to my experience on the leadership team and working with my fellow members and ambassadors to develop an inclusive community of motivated individuals.

Geethika Velaga