INTR3002: Power and Politics of Data

Instructors: Amy Koshoffer and Mark Chalmers


NASA declared 2023 the year of open science.  Active scholars and researchers working in today’s changing, data-centric research climate find that funding agencies and policies are moving research into a more open environment focused on research data management, data sharing, and open access.  In this course open to all disciplines, we will explore how access to open data and resources accelerates our deeper understanding of our world.   We will also examine the policies and resources that increase accessibility, interoperability and discoverability and ease data sharing.

The class will feature guest lecturers from 8451 a data science company that works with Kroger, as well as disciplines such as Anthropology, Engineering, and Institutional Research.  Additionally, the class will visit unique campus data intensive projects such as the Herbarium digitization project and the Classics GIS lab.  The content will be presented in the form of lectures, hands on sessions, and current literature discussions.  There is no required textbook.

Why take this course?

This course will help students understand the balance active researchers need to have in sharing their scholarship and fulfilling their own research potential through access to data.  The themes and activities in the course will highlight the current global infrastructure supporting open research data and how the benefits of access and sharing greatly improve the efficiency of research and the quality of life for all of humanity.