ORGL3009/MGMT3009: Bennis Leadership Accelerator

Instructors: TBA

Course Registration

Students must be of at least sophomore standing to enroll. 

This class is cross-listed under both ORGL3009 (honors) and MGMT3009 (honors). UHP students who are not in the Lindner College of Business should register for the ORGL3009 (honors) class. UHP students who are in the Lindner College of Business should choose the MGMT3009 (honors) class. Both ORGL3009 (honors) and MGMT3009 (honors) will count as an honors seminar.


At their best, leaders are inclusive, principle-driven, and innovative. To catalyze transformational change, they empower collective problem solving that makes a positive impact on their teams, organizations and our world. To achieve this, leaders must develop the knowledge and skills to lead across differences and engage diverse followers to fulfill shared goals. Building from the wisdom of Warren Bennis (nicknamed ‘the Father of Leadership’ and former UC president), this course seeks to accelerate your leadership development. The Bennis approach requires three elements: (1) exceptional awareness of yourself, (2) deep appreciation of and ability to harness diversity of others, and (3) the capacity to comprehend systems and adapt. A tall order! But leaders are made, not born. And leaders vary tremendously in their approaches, and in their life-long journey. As an honors seminar, this course will be intellectually challenging. We will leverage varied methods: multi-disciplinary research (building your toolkit), exemplars (exploring varied role models), and personal reflection (growing awareness of your strengths and values, biases and blind spots). We believe UC students are the leaders of tomorrow.  And tomorrow’s leaders must develop the knowledge and skills to foster an inclusive work environment based on core values to fully leverage potential, ignite innovation, and achieve success.