Hannah Laman

Hannah Laman outside with her sorority sisters

My UHP experience in five words

Engaging, challenging, intense, beneficial, FUN!

Why UHP is for me

UHP has provided me with such a wide range of programs and experiences that I have loved. I have understood my strengths, identified my weaknesses, and been able to flourish in experiences that make me happy!

An honors experience I'll never forget

I really enjoyed being a first year welcome experience mentor, because I got to talk with incoming UHP freshmen. I met some fellow women in engineering, and it was one of the first times that I had felt like a mentor to someone. This meant a lot to me because I have had some incredible mentors in the past, so I am glad that I am able to pass along my knowledge!

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

GET INVOLVED! This is how to really enrich your experience and make new friends. You never know what will come out of it and what unique activities you can find!

What my future holds

UHP has helped me realize how much I enjoy mentorship and helping those whose shoes I have been in before. I have carried this passion into all that I do, including my co-ops, extracurriculars, and other classes that I have been in!

Hannah Laman with a friend in formal dresses