Vitoria Suchi Rezende

Vitoria smiling on a bridge in front of blue water

My UHP experience in five words

Dynamical, ambitious, innovative, genuine, meaningful.

Why UHP is for me

The UHP introduced me to opportunities that I never thought I'd come across in my undergraduate journey, and the endless possibilities to follow your desired career path and pursue your hobbies are exactly what makes our community authentic, diverse, and successful. Whether it was researching Lean Combustion as a first-year student, giving speeches to 500+ parents and students, or enhancing a club project by making it an innovative and challenging experience, I've always been able to elevate college life to higher standards and use its full potential to become a better student, employee, and person.


An honors experience I'll never forget

Though I have a strong affection for all my experiences, the most meaningful so far was being in the Honors Ambassador Leadership Team, where I mentored newcomers and organized the ambassador program to create a closer community. I not only became more involved in the UHP world, expanding special connections with students and faculty, but contributed to the incredible purpose of improving it and bringing more people along to share their stories. It was a beautiful learning process that deepened my soft skills and redirected me toward a passion for teamwork and management - which I now strive to pursue in my long-term career.

Advice for anyone interested in UHP

Embrace the mindset of saying "yes" whenever possible in your journey. Often, we tend to stick to what's familiar and safe, but it's in stepping outside our comfort zones that we encounter new people, gain valuable skills, engage with organizations, and ultimately, leave a mark in our college experience. Embrace the challenges that arise along the way, find strength in vulnerability, and remember that we have all been there.

What my future holds

Before my second co-op semester this Fall, I'll be back in the engineering labs to continue the research I started as a Protégé student last summer, focusing on non-linear analysis for lean combustion methods. I'm also joining International Admissions as a new Ambassador to help smooth the experiences of incoming international students, hopefully contributing to a more diverse and well-rounded community of bearcats! Balancing my technical and social knowledge with this new routine, I can't wait for what's to come.

Vitoria Suchi Rezende with friends