Death and Dying: We all know how this ends

New for Fall 2023!

Instructor: Sara Speybroeck


Death is natural and unavoidable, and yet most people are uncomfortable thinking or talking about their ultimate end. In this course you will learn how to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. The goal of this multidisciplinary, empirically based course is to develop an appreciation of death and dying as natural components of life and to understand that an awareness of mortality can contribute to a more meaningful and impactful life. Topics include the death process; lifespan perspectives on death and death anxiety; palliative and hospice care; euthanasia and assisted suicide; individual and cultural differences in grief and mourning; the death care industry; death education; and the meaning of life and death.

Why take this class?

Students will develop an understanding of different cultural views and beliefs surrounding death and dying as well as an understanding of how death education can help individuals and communities cope with death more effectively. Furthermore, students will be engaging in critical thinking and evidence-based problem solving by interpreting research results and sharing the impact of research studies in the field of death and dying.